// vim: set tw=80 ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: 'use strict'; module.exports = function(grunt) { // Grunt plugin initialization. // ============================ // Automagically load grunt tasks. require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); // Display duration for each task. require('time-grunt')(grunt); // Options var options = { // Application related configuration. accountant: { // Frontend related frontend: { // Application dependencies by bower. app: require('./bower.json'), // Source path src: 'accountant-ui', // Distribution path dist: 'accountant-ui/dist' } }, // Grunt configurationi files. config: { src: 'grunt-config/*.js' }, // Package description for NPM. pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json') // banner: '/*! <%= pkg.name %> <%= grunt.template.today("dd-mm-yyyy") %>\n' + // '* Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author %> */\n' }; // Load configuration from Grunt configuration directory. var configs = require('load-grunt-configs')(grunt, options); // Initialize Grunt configuration. grunt.initConfig(configs); // Toolchain tasks. // ================ // Manage dev dependencies with npm grunt.registerTask('npm', [ // Linting on package.json. 'newer:jsonlint:package', // NodeJS dependencies. 'shell:npmInstall' ]); grunt.registerTask('grunt', [ // Linting on Grunt files. 'newer:eslint:grunt', ]); // Manage toolchain grunt.registerTask('toolchain', [ // NPM. 'npm', // Grunt. 'grunt' ]); // Backend tasks. // ============== // Manage backend dependencies with pip. grunt.registerTask('beDeps', [ // Python dependencies. Does not work in virtualenv. //'shell:pipInstall' ]); // Backend linting grunt.registerTask('beLint', [ // Use flake8 for python linting. 'newer:flake8' ]); // Backend dev task. grunt.registerTask('beDev', [ 'beDeps', 'beLint' ]); // Frontend tasks. // =============== // Front dependency management. grunt.registerTask('feDeps', [ // Bower file linting 'newer:jsonlint:bower', // Web assets using bower 'shell:bowerInstall', // Inject dependencies into application. 'wiredep:app' ]); // Linting grunt.registerTask('feLint', [ // ECMAScript 'newer:eslint:frontend', // HTML. 'newer:htmllint' ]); // Frontend dev task. grunt.registerTask('feDev', [ 'feDeps', 'feLint' ]); // Global tasks. // ============= // Dev. grunt.registerTask('dev', [ 'toolchain', 'beDev', 'feDev' ]); // Serve application. grunt.registerTask('serve', [ 'dev', 'bgShell:runserver', 'connect:livereload', 'watch' ]); // Make distribution. grunt.registerTask('dist', [ 'dev', 'clean:dist', 'useminPrepare', 'copy:dist', 'copy:styles', 'cssmin:generated', 'concat:generated', 'ngAnnotate', 'uglify:generated', 'filerev', 'usemin' ]); };