/* This file is part of Accountant. Accountant is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Accountant. If not, see . */ var EntryController = function($scope, $http, $rootScope, $filter) { // Entry store and selection $scope.entries = []; $scope.categories = []; $scope.chartValues = []; $scope.pieChartValues = []; $scope.selectedItem = null; $scope.account = null; // Placeholder for saved value to cancel entry edition $scope.savedItem = null; $scope.entriesLoaded = function(entries) { var entriesReversed = entries.slice().reverse(); var categories = []; var chartValues = []; var pieChartValuesTmp = {}; var pieChartValues = []; angular.forEach(entriesReversed, function(entry) { var category = entry.category; var value = entry.value ? Number(entry.value) : null; var sold = entry.sold ? Number(entry.sold) : null; var operation_date = entry.operation_date; if(operation_date && sold) { chartValues.push([entry.operation_date, sold]); } if(category && category != '') { if(categories.indexOf(category) == -1) { categories.push(category); } if(value && value < 0.0) { var oldValue = 0.0; if(pieChartValuesTmp[category]) { oldValue = pieChartValuesTmp[category]; } pieChartValuesTmp[category] = oldValue - value; } } }); $scope.chartValues = chartValues; // Second pass: transform to an array readable by jqplot. var pieChartValues = []; angular.forEach(pieChartValuesTmp, function(value, key) { pieChartValues.push([key, value]); }); $scope.pieChartValues = pieChartValues; //$scope.categories.length = 0; //$scope.categories.concat(categories); $scope.categories = categories; nv.addGraph($scope.drawChart); nv.addGraph($scope.drawPieChart); //$scope.drawPieChart(pieChartValues, "#expense-categories-chart-placeholder"); //$scope.drawPieChart(); }; $scope.getAccountStatus = function(account, month) { if(account != null && month != null) { $http.get("/api/accounts/" + account.id + "/" + month.year + "/" + month.month). success($scope.getAccountStatus_success); } }; $scope.getAccountStatus_success = function(status) { $scope.accountStatus = status; }; // Function to load entries from server for a specific account and month. $scope.loadEntries = function(account, month) { if(account) { $scope.account = account; } // Clean up selected entry. $scope.selectedItem = null; $scope.savedItem = null; if(account && month) { $http.get("/api/entries/" + account.id + "/" + month.year + "/" + month.month).success($scope.loadEntries_success); } else { $scope.loadEntries_success(null); } }; // Load entries success callback $scope.loadEntries_success = function(data) { var entries = [{ id: null, pointed: false, operation_date: null, label: null, value: null, sold: null, pointedsold: null, category: null, account_id: null, state: 'new', canceled: false, scheduled_operation_id: null }]; if(data) { entries = entries.concat(angular.fromJson(data)); } $scope.entries = entries; $scope.$emit("entriesLoadedEvent", {entries: entries}); }; // Returns the CSS class for a pointed entry. $scope.pointedEntryClass = function(entry) { if(entry.pointed) { return "active"; } }; // Returns the CSS class for an entry row. $scope.entryRowClass = function(entry) { if($scope.isSaved(entry)) { cssclass=""; } else { cssclass="italic"; } if(entry.canceled) { cssclass += " stroke"; } if(entry.sold < $scope.account.authorized_overdraft) { cssclass += " error"; } else if (entry.sold < 0) { cssclass += " warning"; } return cssclass; }; // Returns the CSS class for an entry sold. $scope.entryValueClass = function(sold) { if(sold && sold < $scope.account.authorized_overdraft) { return 'text-error'; } else if (sold && sold < 0) { return 'text-warning'; } }; // Starts editing an entry $scope.editEntry = function(entry) { // Cancel previous editing. if($scope.selectedItem) { $scope.cancelEditEntry($scope.selectedItem); } // Save current entry values. $scope.savedItem = angular.copy(entry); $scope.selectedItem = entry; // Enter edit state. entry.state='edit'; }; // Returns true if the entry is a new one. $scope.isNew = function(entry) { return !$scope.isSaved(entry) && (entry.state === 'edit' || entry.state === 'new'); }; // Returns true if the entry is in editing state. $scope.isEditing = function(entry) { return entry.state === 'edit' || entry.state === 'new'; }; // Returns true if the entry is in displaying state. $scope.isDisplaying = function(entry) { return !entry.state || entry.state === 'display'; }; // Returns true if the entry is a scheduled one. $scope.isSaved = function(entry) { return entry.id != null; } $scope.iconSaveClass = function(entry) { if(!$scope.isSaved(entry)) { return "fa fa-plus"; } else if ($scope.isEditing(entry)) { return "fa fa-floppy-o"; } }; $scope.iconCancelClass = function(entry) { if($scope.isNew(entry)) { return "fa fa-times"; } else if ($scope.isEditing(entry)) { return "fa fa-ban"; } }; // Cancel current editing entry or clears field if a new one. $scope.cancelEditEntry = function(entry) { if ($scope.savedItem == null) { // We are cancelling the new entry, just reset it. entry.id = null; // id should not change, but just in case... entry.pointed = false; entry.operation_date = null; entry.label = null; entry.value = null; entry.account_id = $scope.account.id; // account_id should not change, but just in case... entry.category = null; entry.canceled = false; entry.scheduled_operation_id = null; // Reset state to new. entry.state = 'new'; } else { // Reset selected item fields to saved item ones. entry.id = $scope.savedItem.id; // id should not change, but just in case... entry.pointed = $scope.savedItem.pointed; entry.operation_date = $scope.savedItem.operation_date; entry.label = $scope.savedItem.label; entry.value = $scope.savedItem.value; entry.account_id = $scope.savedItem.account_id; // account_id should not change, but just in case... entry.category = $scope.savedItem.category; entry.canceled = $scope.savedItem.canceled; entry.scheduled_operation_id = $scope.savedItem.scheduled_operation_id; // Reset saved and selected items to null. $scope.savedItem = null; $scope.selectedItem = null; // Enter display state. entry.state = 'display'; } }; // Points an entry. $scope.pointEntry = function(entry) { if(entry.pointed) { entry.pointed = false; } else { entry.pointed = true; } // Save the entry if not new. if(!$scope.isNew(entry)) { $scope.saveEntry(entry); } }; // Saves an entry. $scope.saveEntry = function(entry) { // Affects the account ID if not (should never happen) if(!entry.account_id) { entry.account_id = $scope.account.id; } // Prepare the Ajax call to save the entry. var type; var url = "/api/entries"; if($scope.isSaved(entry)) { url += "/" + entry.id; } // Ajax call to save an entry $http.put(url, angular.toJson(entry)).success(function(data) { $.pnotify({ type: "success", title: "Save", text: data }); // $scope.savedItem = null; // Send the "entry saved" event. $scope.$emit("entrySavedEvent", entry); }); }; // Removes an entry. $scope.removeEntry = function(entry, modalScope) { // Cancel current editing. if (!$scope.isNew(entry)) { $http.delete("/api/entries/" + entry.id).success(function (result) { $.pnotify({ type: "success", title: "Delete", text: result }); // Send the "entry removed" event. $scope.$emit("entryRemovedEvent", entry); $scope.closeModal(modalScope); }).error(function (data) { $.pnotify({ type: "error", title: "Delete", text: data }); $scope.closeModal(modalScope); }); } }; $scope.closeModal = function(modalScope) { // Close the modal dialog if(modalScope && modalScope.dismiss) { modalScope.dismiss(); } }; // Function to draw the sold evolution chart. $scope.drawChart = function() { // Clear previous chart var entries = $scope.chartValues; console.debug("drawChart", entries); var width = 700; var height = 300; //if(entries && entries.length > 1) { // Prepare for today vertical line. var today = new Date(); today.setHours(0); today.setMinutes(0); // Find first and last days to set limits of the x axis. var day = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var firstDate = $filter('date')(new Date(Date.parse(entries[0][0]).valueOf() - day), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); var lastDate = $filter('date')(new Date(Date.parse(entries[entries.length -1][0]).valueOf() + day), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); var chart = nv.models.lineChart().options({ x: function(d) { return d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse(d[0]); }, y: function(d) { return new Number(d[1]); }, transitionDuration: 250, showXAxis: true, showYAxis: true, width: width, height: height, }); chart.lines.interpolate("monotone"); chart.xAxis .axisLabel("Date") .tickFormat(function(d) { return d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d")(new Date(d)); }); //chart.xAxis.scale().range([firstDate, lastDate]); chart.yAxis .axisLabel("Solde") .tickFormat(d3.format('.02f')); // FIXME add vertical line for today graph = d3.select("#entries-chart-placeholder").datum([ { color: "orange", key: "Zero", values:[ [firstDate, "0"], [lastDate, "0"] ]}, { color: "red", key: "Authorized overdraft", values : [ [firstDate, new Number($scope.account.authorized_overdraft)], [lastDate, new Number($scope.account.authorized_overdraft)] ]}, { color: "darkblue", key: "Sold evolution", values: entries}, ]) .transition().duration(1200) .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .call(chart); nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); return chart; }; // Function to draw the expense category pie chart. $scope.drawPieChart = function() { // FIXME retrieve width and height from DOM var width = 300; var height = 300; var chart = nv.models.pieChart() .x(function(d) { console.debug(d); return d[0]; }) .y(function(d) { return d[1]; }) .width(width) .height(height) .showLabels(true); d3.select("#expense-categories-chart-placeholder") .datum($scope.pieChartValues) .transition().duration(1200) .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .call(chart); nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); return chart }; $rootScope.$on("monthsLoadedEvent", function(event, args){ $scope.loadEntries(args.account, args.month); }); $rootScope.$on("monthsLoadedEvent", function(event, args){ $scope.getAccountStatus(args.account, args.month); }); $scope.$on("entriesLoadedEvent", function(event, args) { $scope.entriesLoaded(args.entries); }); };