var accountFormTmpl = require('./account.form.tmpl.html'), accountDeleteTmpl = require('./account.delete.tmpl.html'); export class AccountController { static $inject = ['Account', 'AccountBalances', 'Notification', '$log', '$modal']; accounts: Account[]; constructor(private Account, private AccountBalances, private Notification, private $log, private $modal) { // Load accounts. this.load(); } /* * Return the class for an account current value compared to authorized * overdraft. */ rowClass(account) { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase if (!account || !account.authorized_overdraft || !account.current) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase if (account.current < account.authorized_overdraft) { return 'danger'; } else if (account.current < 0) { return 'warning'; } }; /* * Return the class for a value compared to account authorized overdraft. */ valueClass(account, value) { if (!account || !value) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase if (value < account.authorized_overdraft) { return 'text-danger'; } else if (value < 0) { return 'text-warning'; } }; load() { vm.accounts = Account.query({}, function(result) { return { item.balances = this.AccountBalances.get({id:}); return item; }); }); }; /* * Add an empty account. */ add() { var account = new Account({ // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase authorized_overdraft: 0 }); // Insert account at the begining of the array. return this.modify(account); }; /* * Save account. */ save(account) { return account.$save().then(function(data) { this.Notification.success('Account #' + + ' saved.'); this.load(); return data; }, function(result){ this.$log.error('Error while saving account', account, result); this.Notification.error( 'Error while saving account: ' + result.message ); }); }; confirmDelete(account) { var title = "Delete account #" +; this.$modal({ templateUrl: accountDeleteTmpl, controller: function($scope, title, account, $delete) { $scope.title = title; $scope.account = account; $scope.$delete = function() { $scope.$hide(); $delete($scope.account); }; }, locals: { title: title, account: account, $delete: this.delete } }); }; /* * Delete an account. */ delete(account) { var id =; return account.$delete().then(function() { this.Notification.success('account #' + id + ' deleted.'); this.load(); return account; }, function(result) { this.Notification.error( 'An error occurred while trying to delete account #' + id + ':
' + result ); }); }; /* * Open the popup to modify the account, save it on confirm. */ modify(account) { // FIXME Alexis Lahouze 2017-06-15 i18n var title = "Account"; if ( { title = title + " #" +; } this.$modal({ templateUrl: accountFormTmpl, controller: function($scope, title, account, $save) { $scope.title = title; $scope.account = account; $scope.account.authorized_overdraft *= -1; $scope.$save = function() { $scope.$hide(); $scope.account.authorized_overdraft *= -1; $save($scope.account); }; }, locals: { title: title, account: account, $save: } }); }; };