From 0a20111f204e8cbe4e4490c655880f002ef2700b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexis Lahouze Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 12:49:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed knockout mapping plugin. --- src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.js | 2470 +++++++-------------- src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.min.js | 919 +------- 2 files changed, 820 insertions(+), 2569 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.js b/src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.js index 08fc029..b6b9ff4 100644 --- a/src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.js +++ b/src/html/knockout/knockout-mapping.js @@ -1,1671 +1,799 @@ - - - - - - - - - knockout.mapping/build/output/knockout.mapping-latest.debug.js at master · SteveSanderson/knockout.mapping · GitHub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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2 contributors

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/// Knockout Mapping plugin v2.3.5
/// (c) 2012 Steven Sanderson, Roy Jacobs -
/// License: MIT (
(function (factory) {
// Module systems magic dance.

if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") {
// CommonJS or Node: hard-coded dependency on "knockout"
factory(require("knockout"), exports);
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define["amd"]) {
// AMD anonymous module with hard-coded dependency on "knockout"
define(["knockout", "exports"], factory);
} else {
// <script> tag: use the global `ko` object, attaching a `mapping` property
factory(ko, ko.mapping = {});
}(function (ko, exports) {
var DEBUG=true;
var mappingProperty = "__ko_mapping__";
var realKoDependentObservable = ko.dependentObservable;
var mappingNesting = 0;
var dependentObservables;
var visitedObjects;
var recognizedRootProperties = ["create", "update", "key", "arrayChanged"];
var emptyReturn = {};

var _defaultOptions = {
include: ["_destroy"],
ignore: [],
copy: [],
observe: []
var defaultOptions = _defaultOptions;

// Author: KennyTM @ StackOverflow
function unionArrays (x, y) {
var obj = {};
for (var i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[x[i]] = x[i];
for (var i = y.length - 1; i >= 0; -- i) obj[y[i]] = y[i];
var res = [];

for (var k in obj) {

return res;

function extendObject(destination, source) {
var destType;

for (var key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key) && source[key]) {
destType = exports.getType(destination[key]);
if (key && destination[key] && destType !== "array" && destType !== "string") {
extendObject(destination[key], source[key]);
} else {
var bothArrays = exports.getType(destination[key]) === "array" && exports.getType(source[key]) === "array";
if (bothArrays) {
destination[key] = unionArrays(destination[key], source[key]);
} else {
destination[key] = source[key];

function merge(obj1, obj2) {
var merged = {};
extendObject(merged, obj1);
extendObject(merged, obj2);

return merged;

exports.isMapped = function (viewModel) {
var unwrapped = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(viewModel);
return unwrapped && unwrapped[mappingProperty];

exports.fromJS = function (jsObject /*, inputOptions, target*/ ) {
if (arguments.length == 0) throw new Error("When calling ko.fromJS, pass the object you want to convert.");

// When mapping is completed, even with an exception, reset the nesting level
window.setTimeout(function () {
mappingNesting = 0;
}, 0);

if (!mappingNesting++) {
dependentObservables = [];
visitedObjects = new objectLookup();

var options;
var target;

if (arguments.length == 2) {
if (arguments[1][mappingProperty]) {
target = arguments[1];
} else {
options = arguments[1];
if (arguments.length == 3) {
options = arguments[1];
target = arguments[2];

if (target) {
options = merge(options, target[mappingProperty]);
options = fillOptions(options);

var result = updateViewModel(target, jsObject, options);
if (target) {
result = target;

// Evaluate any dependent observables that were proxied.
// Do this in a timeout to defer execution. Basically, any user code that explicitly looks up the DO will perform the first evaluation. Otherwise,
// it will be done by this code.
if (!--mappingNesting) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
while (dependentObservables.length) {
var DO = dependentObservables.pop();
if (DO) DO();
}, 0);

// Save any new mapping options in the view model, so that updateFromJS can use them later.
result[mappingProperty] = merge(result[mappingProperty], options);

return result;

exports.fromJSON = function (jsonString /*, options, target*/ ) {
var parsed = ko.utils.parseJson(jsonString);
arguments[0] = parsed;
return exports.fromJS.apply(this, arguments);

exports.updateFromJS = function (viewModel) {
throw new Error("ko.mapping.updateFromJS, use ko.mapping.fromJS instead. Please note that the order of parameters is different!");

exports.updateFromJSON = function (viewModel) {
throw new Error("ko.mapping.updateFromJSON, use ko.mapping.fromJSON instead. Please note that the order of parameters is different!");

exports.toJS = function (rootObject, options) {
if (!defaultOptions) exports.resetDefaultOptions();

if (arguments.length == 0) throw new Error("When calling ko.mapping.toJS, pass the object you want to convert.");
if (exports.getType(defaultOptions.ignore) !== "array") throw new Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().ignore should be an array.");
if (exports.getType(defaultOptions.include) !== "array") throw new Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().include should be an array.");
if (exports.getType(defaultOptions.copy) !== "array") throw new Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().copy should be an array.");

// Merge in the options used in fromJS
options = fillOptions(options, rootObject[mappingProperty]);

// We just unwrap everything at every level in the object graph
return exports.visitModel(rootObject, function (x) {
return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(x)
}, options);

exports.toJSON = function (rootObject, options) {
var plainJavaScriptObject = exports.toJS(rootObject, options);
return ko.utils.stringifyJson(plainJavaScriptObject);

exports.defaultOptions = function () {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
defaultOptions = arguments[0];
} else {
return defaultOptions;

exports.resetDefaultOptions = function () {
defaultOptions = {
include: _defaultOptions.include.slice(0),
ignore: _defaultOptions.ignore.slice(0),
copy: _defaultOptions.copy.slice(0)

exports.getType = function(x) {
if ((x) && (typeof (x) === "object")) {
if (x.constructor == (new Date).constructor) return "date";
if ( === "[object Array]") return "array";
return typeof x;

function fillOptions(rawOptions, otherOptions) {
var options = merge({}, rawOptions);

// Move recognized root-level properties into a root namespace
for (var i = recognizedRootProperties.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var property = recognizedRootProperties[i];

// Carry on, unless this property is present
if (!options[property]) continue;

// Move the property into the root namespace
if (!(options[""] instanceof Object)) options[""] = {};
options[""][property] = options[property];
delete options[property];

if (otherOptions) {
options.ignore = mergeArrays(otherOptions.ignore, options.ignore);
options.include = mergeArrays(otherOptions.include, options.include);
options.copy = mergeArrays(otherOptions.copy, options.copy);
options.observe = mergeArrays(otherOptions.observe, options.observe);
options.ignore = mergeArrays(options.ignore, defaultOptions.ignore);
options.include = mergeArrays(options.include, defaultOptions.include);
options.copy = mergeArrays(options.copy, defaultOptions.copy);
options.observe = mergeArrays(options.observe, defaultOptions.observe);

options.mappedProperties = options.mappedProperties || {};
options.copiedProperties = options.copiedProperties || {};
return options;

function mergeArrays(a, b) {
if (exports.getType(a) !== "array") {
if (exports.getType(a) === "undefined") a = [];
else a = [a];
if (exports.getType(b) !== "array") {
if (exports.getType(b) === "undefined") b = [];
else b = [b];

return ko.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues(a.concat(b));

// When using a 'create' callback, we proxy the dependent observable so that it doesn't immediately evaluate on creation.
// The reason is that the dependent observables in the user-specified callback may contain references to properties that have not been mapped yet.
function withProxyDependentObservable(dependentObservables, callback) {
var localDO = ko.dependentObservable;
ko.dependentObservable = function (read, owner, options) {
options = options || {};

if (read && typeof read == "object") { // mirrors condition in knockout implementation of DO's
options = read;

var realDeferEvaluation = options.deferEvaluation;

var isRemoved = false;

// We wrap the original dependent observable so that we can remove it from the 'dependentObservables' list we need to evaluate after mapping has
// completed if the user already evaluated the DO themselves in the meantime.
var wrap = function (DO) {
// Temporarily revert ko.dependentObservable, since it is used in ko.isWriteableObservable
var tmp = ko.dependentObservable;
ko.dependentObservable = realKoDependentObservable;
var isWriteable = ko.isWriteableObservable(DO);
ko.dependentObservable = tmp;

var wrapped = realKoDependentObservable({
read: function () {
if (!isRemoved) {
ko.utils.arrayRemoveItem(dependentObservables, DO);
isRemoved = true;
return DO.apply(DO, arguments);
write: isWriteable && function (val) {
return DO(val);
deferEvaluation: true
if (DEBUG) wrapped._wrapper = true;
return wrapped;

options.deferEvaluation = true; // will either set for just options, or both read/options.
var realDependentObservable = new realKoDependentObservable(read, owner, options);

if (!realDeferEvaluation) {
realDependentObservable = wrap(realDependentObservable);

return realDependentObservable;
ko.dependentObservable.fn = realKoDependentObservable.fn;
ko.computed = ko.dependentObservable;
var result = callback();
ko.dependentObservable = localDO;
ko.computed = ko.dependentObservable;
return result;

function updateViewModel(mappedRootObject, rootObject, options, parentName, parent, parentPropertyName, mappedParent) {
var isArray = exports.getType(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject)) === "array";

parentPropertyName = parentPropertyName || "";

// If this object was already mapped previously, take the options from there and merge them with our existing ones.
if (exports.isMapped(mappedRootObject)) {
var previousMapping = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(mappedRootObject)[mappingProperty];
options = merge(previousMapping, options);

var callbackParams = {
data: rootObject,
parent: mappedParent || parent

var hasCreateCallback = function () {
return options[parentName] && options[parentName].create instanceof Function;

var createCallback = function (data) {
return withProxyDependentObservable(dependentObservables, function () {

if (ko.utils.unwrapObservable(parent) instanceof Array) {
return options[parentName].create({
data: data ||,
parent: callbackParams.parent,
skip: emptyReturn
} else {
return options[parentName].create({
data: data ||,
parent: callbackParams.parent

var hasUpdateCallback = function () {
return options[parentName] && options[parentName].update instanceof Function;

var updateCallback = function (obj, data) {
var params = {
data: data ||,
parent: callbackParams.parent,
target: ko.utils.unwrapObservable(obj)

if (ko.isWriteableObservable(obj)) {
params.observable = obj;

return options[parentName].update(params);

var alreadyMapped = visitedObjects.get(rootObject);
if (alreadyMapped) {
return alreadyMapped;

parentName = parentName || "";

if (!isArray) {
// For atomic types, do a direct update on the observable
if (!canHaveProperties(rootObject)) {
switch (exports.getType(rootObject)) {
case "function":
if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
if (ko.isWriteableObservable(rootObject)) {
mappedRootObject = rootObject;
} else {
mappedRootObject = updateCallback(rootObject);
} else {
mappedRootObject = rootObject;
if (ko.isWriteableObservable(mappedRootObject)) {
if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
var valueToWrite = updateCallback(mappedRootObject);
return valueToWrite;
} else {
var valueToWrite = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject);
return valueToWrite;
} else {
var hasCreateOrUpdateCallback = hasCreateCallback() || hasUpdateCallback();

if (hasCreateCallback()) {
mappedRootObject = createCallback();
} else {
mappedRootObject = ko.observable(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject));

if (hasUpdateCallback()) {

if (hasCreateOrUpdateCallback) return mappedRootObject;

} else {
mappedRootObject = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(mappedRootObject);
if (!mappedRootObject) {
if (hasCreateCallback()) {
var result = createCallback();

if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
result = updateCallback(result);

return result;
} else {
if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
return updateCallback(result);

mappedRootObject = {};

if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
mappedRootObject = updateCallback(mappedRootObject);
}, mappedRootObject);
if (hasUpdateCallback()) return mappedRootObject;

// For non-atomic types, visit all properties and update recursively
visitPropertiesOrArrayEntries(rootObject, function (indexer) {
var fullPropertyName = parentPropertyName.length ? parentPropertyName + "." + indexer : indexer;

if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.ignore, fullPropertyName) != -1) {

if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.copy, fullPropertyName) != -1) {
mappedRootObject[indexer] = rootObject[indexer];

if(typeof rootObject[indexer] != "object" && typeof rootObject[indexer] != "array" && options.observe.length > 0 && ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.observe, fullPropertyName) == -1)
mappedRootObject[indexer] = rootObject[indexer];
options.copiedProperties[fullPropertyName] = true;

// In case we are adding an already mapped property, fill it with the previously mapped property value to prevent recursion.
// If this is a property that was generated by fromJS, we should use the options specified there
var prevMappedProperty = visitedObjects.get(rootObject[indexer]);
var retval = updateViewModel(mappedRootObject[indexer], rootObject[indexer], options, indexer, mappedRootObject, fullPropertyName, mappedRootObject);
var value = prevMappedProperty || retval;

if(options.observe.length > 0 && ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.observe, fullPropertyName) == -1)
mappedRootObject[indexer] = value();
options.copiedProperties[fullPropertyName] = true;

if (ko.isWriteableObservable(mappedRootObject[indexer])) {
} else {
value = mappedRootObject[indexer] === undefined ? value : ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value);
mappedRootObject[indexer] = value;

options.mappedProperties[fullPropertyName] = true;
} else { //mappedRootObject is an array
var changes = [];

var hasKeyCallback = false;
var keyCallback = function (x) {
return x;
if (options[parentName] && options[parentName].key) {
keyCallback = options[parentName].key;
hasKeyCallback = true;

if (!ko.isObservable(mappedRootObject)) {
// When creating the new observable array, also add a bunch of utility functions that take the 'key' of the array items into account.
mappedRootObject = ko.observableArray([]);

mappedRootObject.mappedRemove = function (valueOrPredicate) {
var predicate = typeof valueOrPredicate == "function" ? valueOrPredicate : function (value) {
return value === keyCallback(valueOrPredicate);
return mappedRootObject.remove(function (item) {
return predicate(keyCallback(item));

mappedRootObject.mappedRemoveAll = function (arrayOfValues) {
var arrayOfKeys = filterArrayByKey(arrayOfValues, keyCallback);
return mappedRootObject.remove(function (item) {
return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(arrayOfKeys, keyCallback(item)) != -1;

mappedRootObject.mappedDestroy = function (valueOrPredicate) {
var predicate = typeof valueOrPredicate == "function" ? valueOrPredicate : function (value) {
return value === keyCallback(valueOrPredicate);
return mappedRootObject.destroy(function (item) {
return predicate(keyCallback(item));

mappedRootObject.mappedDestroyAll = function (arrayOfValues) {
var arrayOfKeys = filterArrayByKey(arrayOfValues, keyCallback);
return mappedRootObject.destroy(function (item) {
return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(arrayOfKeys, keyCallback(item)) != -1;

mappedRootObject.mappedIndexOf = function (item) {
var keys = filterArrayByKey(mappedRootObject(), keyCallback);
var key = keyCallback(item);
return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(keys, key);

mappedRootObject.mappedCreate = function (value) {
if (mappedRootObject.mappedIndexOf(value) !== -1) {
throw new Error("There already is an object with the key that you specified.");

var item = hasCreateCallback() ? createCallback(value) : value;
if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
var newValue = updateCallback(item, value);
if (ko.isWriteableObservable(item)) {
} else {
item = newValue;
return item;

var currentArrayKeys = filterArrayByKey(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(mappedRootObject), keyCallback).sort();
var newArrayKeys = filterArrayByKey(rootObject, keyCallback);
if (hasKeyCallback) newArrayKeys.sort();
var editScript = ko.utils.compareArrays(currentArrayKeys, newArrayKeys);

var ignoreIndexOf = {};

var i, j;

var unwrappedRootObject = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject);
var itemsByKey = {};
var optimizedKeys = true;
for (i = 0, j = unwrappedRootObject.length; i < j; i++) {
var key = keyCallback(unwrappedRootObject[i]);
if (key === undefined || key instanceof Object) {
optimizedKeys = false;
itemsByKey[key] = unwrappedRootObject[i];

var newContents = [];
var passedOver = 0;
for (i = 0, j = editScript.length; i < j; i++) {
var key = editScript[i];
var mappedItem;
var fullPropertyName = parentPropertyName + "[" + i + "]";
switch (key.status) {
case "added":
var item = optimizedKeys ? itemsByKey[key.value] : getItemByKey(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject), key.value, keyCallback);
mappedItem = updateViewModel(undefined, item, options, parentName, mappedRootObject, fullPropertyName, parent);
if(!hasCreateCallback()) {
mappedItem = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(mappedItem);

var index = ignorableIndexOf(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject), item, ignoreIndexOf);

if (mappedItem === emptyReturn) {
} else {
newContents[index - passedOver] = mappedItem;

ignoreIndexOf[index] = true;
case "retained":
var item = optimizedKeys ? itemsByKey[key.value] : getItemByKey(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject), key.value, keyCallback);
mappedItem = getItemByKey(mappedRootObject, key.value, keyCallback);
updateViewModel(mappedItem, item, options, parentName, mappedRootObject, fullPropertyName, parent);

var index = ignorableIndexOf(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject), item, ignoreIndexOf);
newContents[index] = mappedItem;
ignoreIndexOf[index] = true;
case "deleted":
mappedItem = getItemByKey(mappedRootObject, key.value, keyCallback);

event: key.status,
item: mappedItem


if (options[parentName] && options[parentName].arrayChanged) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(changes, function (change) {
options[parentName].arrayChanged(change.event, change.item);

return mappedRootObject;

function ignorableIndexOf(array, item, ignoreIndices) {
for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) {
if (ignoreIndices[i] === true) continue;
if (array[i] === item) return i;
return null;

function mapKey(item, callback) {
var mappedItem;
if (callback) mappedItem = callback(item);
if (exports.getType(mappedItem) === "undefined") mappedItem = item;

return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(mappedItem);

function getItemByKey(array, key, callback) {
array = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(array);
for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) {
var item = array[i];
if (mapKey(item, callback) === key) return item;

throw new Error("When calling ko.update*, the key '" + key + "' was not found!");

function filterArrayByKey(array, callback) {
return ko.utils.arrayMap(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(array), function (item) {
if (callback) {
return mapKey(item, callback);
} else {
return item;

function visitPropertiesOrArrayEntries(rootObject, visitorCallback) {
if (exports.getType(rootObject) === "array") {
for (var i = 0; i < rootObject.length; i++)
} else {
for (var propertyName in rootObject)

function canHaveProperties(object) {
var type = exports.getType(object);
return ((type === "object") || (type === "array")) && (object !== null);

// Based on the parentName, this creates a fully classified name of a property

function getPropertyName(parentName, parent, indexer) {
var propertyName = parentName || "";
if (exports.getType(parent) === "array") {
if (parentName) {
propertyName += "[" + indexer + "]";
} else {
if (parentName) {
propertyName += ".";
propertyName += indexer;
return propertyName;

exports.visitModel = function (rootObject, callback, options) {
options = options || {};
options.visitedObjects = options.visitedObjects || new objectLookup();

var mappedRootObject;
var unwrappedRootObject = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(rootObject);

if (!canHaveProperties(unwrappedRootObject)) {
return callback(rootObject, options.parentName);
} else {
options = fillOptions(options, unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty]);

// Only do a callback, but ignore the results
callback(rootObject, options.parentName);
mappedRootObject = exports.getType(unwrappedRootObject) === "array" ? [] : {};
}, mappedRootObject);

var parentName = options.parentName;
visitPropertiesOrArrayEntries(unwrappedRootObject, function (indexer) {
if (options.ignore && ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.ignore, indexer) != -1) return;

var propertyValue = unwrappedRootObject[indexer];
options.parentName = getPropertyName(parentName, unwrappedRootObject, indexer);

// If we don't want to explicitly copy the unmapped property...
if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.copy, indexer) === -1) {
// ...find out if it's a property we want to explicitly include
if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(options.include, indexer) === -1) {
// The mapped properties object contains all the properties that were part of the original object.
// If a property does not exist, and it is not because it is part of an array (e.g. "myProp[3]"), then it should not be unmapped.
if (unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty]
&& unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty].mappedProperties && !unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty].mappedProperties[indexer]
&& unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty].copiedProperties && !unwrappedRootObject[mappingProperty].copiedProperties[indexer]
&& !(exports.getType(unwrappedRootObject) === "array")) {

var outputProperty;
switch (exports.getType(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(propertyValue))) {
case "object":
case "array":
case "undefined":
var previouslyMappedValue = options.visitedObjects.get(propertyValue);
mappedRootObject[indexer] = (exports.getType(previouslyMappedValue) !== "undefined") ? previouslyMappedValue : exports.visitModel(propertyValue, callback, options);
mappedRootObject[indexer] = callback(propertyValue, options.parentName);

return mappedRootObject;

function simpleObjectLookup() {
var keys = [];
var values = []; = function (key, value) {
var existingIndex = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(keys, key);
if (existingIndex >= 0) values[existingIndex] = value;
else {
this.get = function (key) {
var existingIndex = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(keys, key);
var value = (existingIndex >= 0) ? values[existingIndex] : undefined;
return value;

function objectLookup() {
var buckets = {};

var findBucket = function(key) {
var bucketKey;
try {
bucketKey = key;//JSON.stringify(key);
catch (e) {
bucketKey = "$$$";

var bucket = buckets[bucketKey];
if (bucket === undefined) {
bucket = new simpleObjectLookup();
buckets[bucketKey] = bucket;
return bucket;
}; = function (key, value) {
findBucket(key).save(key, value);
this.get = function (key) {
return findBucket(key).get(key);
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Markdown Cheat Sheet

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- -

Format Text



-# This is an <h1> tag
-## This is an <h2> tag
-###### This is an <h6> tag

Text styles

-*This text will be italic*
-_This will also be italic_
-**This text will be bold**
-__This will also be bold__
-*You **can** combine them*




-* Item 1
-* Item 2
-  * Item 2a
-  * Item 2b


-1. Item 1
-2. Item 2
-3. Item 3
-   * Item 3a
-   * Item 3b




-![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png)
-Format: ![Alt Text](url)


- - automatic!


-As Kanye West said:
-> We're living the future so
-> the present is our past.
- -

Code Examples in Markdown


Syntax highlighting with GFM

-function fancyAlert(arg) {
-  if(arg) {
-    $.facebox({div:'#foo'})
-  }

Or, indent your code 4 spaces

-Here is a Python code example
-without syntax highlighting:
-    def foo:
-      if not bar:
-        return true

Inline code for comments

-I think you should use an
-`<addr>` element here instead.
- -
- - - -
- - Something went wrong with that request. Please try again. - -
- - - - - - - - +/// Knockout Mapping plugin v2.3.5 +/// (c) 2012 Steven Sanderson, Roy Jacobs - +/// License: MIT ( +(function (factory) { + // Module systems magic dance. + + if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { + // CommonJS or Node: hard-coded dependency on "knockout" + factory(require("knockout"), exports); + } else if (typeof define === "function" && define["amd"]) { + // AMD anonymous module with hard-coded dependency on "knockout" + define(["knockout", "exports"], factory); + } else { + // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - GitHub - GitHub - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
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3 contributors

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/// Knockout Mapping plugin v2.3.5
/// (c) 2012 Steven Sanderson, Roy Jacobs -
/// License: MIT (
(function(e){"function"===typeof require&&"object"===typeof exports&&"object"===typeof module?e(require("knockout"),exports):"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["knockout","exports"],e):e(ko,ko.mapping={})})(function(e,f){function x(b,c){var a,d;for(d in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(d)&&c[d])if(a=f.getType(b[d]),d&&b[d]&&"array"!==a&&"string"!==a)x(b[d],c[d]);else if("array"===f.getType(b[d])&&"array"===f.getType(c[d])){a=b;for(var e=d,k=b[d],m=c[d],s={},g=k.length-1;0<=g;--g)s[k[g]]=k[g];for(g=
m.length-1;0<=g;--g)s[m[g]]=m[g];k=[];m=void 0;for(m in s)k.push(s[m]);a[e]=k}else b[d]=c[d]}function D(b,c){var a={};x(a,b);x(a,c);return a}function y(b,c){for(var a=D({},b),e=K.length-1;0<=e;e--){var f=K[e];a[f]&&(a[""]instanceof Object||(a[""]={}),a[""][f]=a[f],delete a[f])}c&&(a.ignore=h(c.ignore,a.ignore),a.include=h(c.include,a.include),a.copy=h(c.copy,a.copy),a.observe=h(c.observe,a.observe));a.ignore=h(a.ignore,i.ignore);a.include=h(a.include,i.include);a.copy=h(a.copy,i.copy);a.observe=h(a.observe,
i.observe);a.mappedProperties=a.mappedProperties||{};a.copiedProperties=a.copiedProperties||{};return a}function h(b,c){"array"!==f.getType(b)&&(b="undefined"===f.getType(b)?[]:[b]);"array"!==f.getType(c)&&(c="undefined"===f.getType(c)?[]:[c]);return e.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues(b.concat(c))}function E(b,c,a,d,j,k,m){var s="array"===f.getType(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c)),k=k||"";if(f.isMapped(b))var g=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b)[n],a=D(g,a);var i=m||j,h=function(){return a[d]&&a[d].create instanceof
Function},w=function(b){var f=F,g=e.dependentObservable;e.dependentObservable=function(a,b,c){c=c||{};a&&"object"==typeof a&&(c=a);var d=c.deferEvaluation,L=!1;c.deferEvaluation=!0;a=new G(a,b,c);if(!d){var g=a,d=e.dependentObservable;e.dependentObservable=G;a=e.isWriteableObservable(g);e.dependentObservable=d;a=G({read:function(){L||(e.utils.arrayRemoveItem(f,g),L=!0);return g.apply(g,arguments)},write:a&&function(a){return g(a)},deferEvaluation:!0});f.push(a)}return a};e.dependentObservable.fn=
G.fn;e.computed=e.dependentObservable;b=e.utils.unwrapObservable(j)instanceof Array?a[d].create({data:b||c,parent:i,skip:M}):a[d].create({data:b||c,parent:i});e.dependentObservable=g;e.computed=e.dependentObservable;return b},t=function(){return a[d]&&a[d].update instanceof Function},u=function(b,f){var g={data:f||c,parent:i,target:e.utils.unwrapObservable(b)};e.isWriteableObservable(b)&&(g.observable=b);return a[d].update(g)};if(m=H.get(c))return m;d=d||"";if(s){var s=[],r=!1,l=function(a){return a};
a[d]&&a[d].key&&(l=a[d].key,r=!0);e.isObservable(b)||(b=e.observableArray([]),b.mappedRemove=function(a){var c="function"==typeof a?a:function(b){return b===l(a)};return b.remove(function(a){return c(l(a))})},b.mappedRemoveAll=function(a){var c=B(a,l);return b.remove(function(a){return-1!=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,l(a))})},b.mappedDestroy=function(a){var c="function"==typeof a?a:function(b){return b===l(a)};return b.destroy(function(a){return c(l(a))})},b.mappedDestroyAll=function(a){var c=B(a,l);return b.destroy(function(a){return-1!=
e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,l(a))})},b.mappedIndexOf=function(a){var c=B(b(),l),a=l(a);return e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,a)},b.mappedCreate=function(a){if(-1!==b.mappedIndexOf(a))throw Error("There already is an object with the key that you specified.");var c=h()?w(a):a;t()&&(a=u(c,a),e.isWriteableObservable(c)?c(a):c=a);b.push(c);return c});m=B(e.utils.unwrapObservable(b),l).sort();g=B(c,l);r&&g.sort();var r=e.utils.compareArrays(m,g),m={},I,z=e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),x={},y=!0,g=0;for(I=z.length;g<I;g++){var q=
l(z[g]);if(void 0===q||q instanceof Object){y=!1;break}x[q]=z[g]}var z=[],A=0,g=0;for(I=r.length;g<I;g++){var q=r[g],p,v=k+"["+g+"]";switch(q.status){case "added":var C=y?x[q.value]:J(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),q.value,l);p=E(void 0,C,a,d,b,v,j);h()||(p=e.utils.unwrapObservable(p));v=N(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),C,m);p===M?A++:z[v-A]=p;m[v]=!0;break;case "retained":C=y?x[q.value]:J(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),q.value,l);p=J(b,q.value,l);E(p,C,a,d,b,v,j);v=N(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),C,m);z[v]=
p;m[v]=!0;break;case "deleted":p=J(b,q.value,l)}s.push({event:q.status,item:p})}b(z);a[d]&&a[d].arrayChanged&&e.utils.arrayForEach(s,function(b){a[d].arrayChanged(b.event,b.item)})}else if(O(c)){b=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b);if(!b){if(h())return r=w(),t()&&(r=u(r)),r;if(t())return u(r);b={}}t()&&(b=u(b));,b);if(t())return b;P(c,function(d){var f=k.length?k+"."+d:d;if(-1==e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.ignore,f))if(-1!=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.copy,f))b[d]=c[d];else if("object"!=typeof c[d]&&"array"!=
typeof c[d]&&0<a.observe.length&&-1==e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.observe,f))b[d]=c[d],a.copiedProperties[f]=!0;else{var g=H.get(c[d]),j=E(b[d],c[d],a,d,b,f,b),g=g||j;if(0<a.observe.length&&-1==e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.observe,f))b[d]=g(),a.copiedProperties[f]=!0;else{if(e.isWriteableObservable(b[d]))b[d](e.utils.unwrapObservable(g));else g=void 0===b[d]?g:e.utils.unwrapObservable(g),b[d]=g;a.mappedProperties[f]=!0}}})}else switch(f.getType(c)){case "function":t()?e.isWriteableObservable(c)?(c(u(c)),b=c):
b=u(c):b=c;break;default:if(e.isWriteableObservable(b))return p=t()?u(b):e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),b(p),p;h()||t();b=h()?w():e.observable(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c));t()&&b(u(b))}return b}function N(b,c,a){for(var d=0,e=b.length;d<e;d++)if(!0!==a[d]&&b[d]===c)return d;return null}function Q(b,c){var a;c&&(a=c(b));"undefined"===f.getType(a)&&(a=b);return e.utils.unwrapObservable(a)}function J(b,c,a){for(var b=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b),d=0,f=b.length;d<f;d++){var k=b[d];if(Q(k,a)===c)return k}throw Error("When calling ko.update*, the key '"+
c+"' was not found!");}function B(b,c){return e.utils.arrayMap(e.utils.unwrapObservable(b),function(a){return c?Q(a,c):a})}function P(b,c){if("array"===f.getType(b))for(var a=0;a<b.length;a++)c(a);else for(a in b)c(a)}function O(b){var c=f.getType(b);return("object"===c||"array"===c)&&null!==b}function S(){var b=[],c=[];,d){var f=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(b,a);0<=f?c[f]=d:(b.push(a),c.push(d))};this.get=function(a){a=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(b,a);return 0<=a?c[a]:void 0}}function R(){var b=
{},c=function(a){var c;try{c=a}catch(e){c="$$$"}a=b[c];void 0===a&&(a=new S,b[c]=a);return a};,b){c(a).save(a,b)};this.get=function(a){return c(a).get(a)}}var n="__ko_mapping__",G=e.dependentObservable,A=0,F,H,K=["create","update","key","arrayChanged"],M={},w={include:["_destroy"],ignore:[],copy:[],observe:[]},i=w;f.isMapped=function(b){return(b=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b))&&b[n]};f.fromJS=function(b){if(0==arguments.length)throw Error("When calling ko.fromJS, pass the object you want to convert.");
window.setTimeout(function(){A=0},0);A++||(F=[],H=new R);var c,a;2==arguments.length&&(arguments[1][n]?a=arguments[1]:c=arguments[1]);3==arguments.length&&(c=arguments[1],a=arguments[2]);a&&(c=D(c,a[n]));c=y(c);var d=E(a,b,c);a&&(d=a);--A||window.setTimeout(function(){for(;F.length;){var a=F.pop();a&&a()}},0);d[n]=D(d[n],c);return d};f.fromJSON=function(b){var c=e.utils.parseJson(b);arguments[0]=c;return f.fromJS.apply(this,arguments)};f.updateFromJS=function(){throw Error("ko.mapping.updateFromJS, use ko.mapping.fromJS instead. Please note that the order of parameters is different!");
};f.updateFromJSON=function(){throw Error("ko.mapping.updateFromJSON, use ko.mapping.fromJSON instead. Please note that the order of parameters is different!");};f.toJS=function(b,c){i||f.resetDefaultOptions();if(0==arguments.length)throw Error("When calling ko.mapping.toJS, pass the object you want to convert.");if("array"!==f.getType(i.ignore))throw Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().ignore should be an array.");if("array"!==f.getType(i.include))throw Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().include should be an array.");
if("array"!==f.getType(i.copy))throw Error("ko.mapping.defaultOptions().copy should be an array.");c=y(c,b[n]);return f.visitModel(b,function(a){return e.utils.unwrapObservable(a)},c)};f.toJSON=function(b,c){var a=f.toJS(b,c);return e.utils.stringifyJson(a)};f.defaultOptions=function(){if(0<arguments.length)i=arguments[0];else return i};f.resetDefaultOptions=function(){i={include:w.include.slice(0),ignore:w.ignore.slice(0),copy:w.copy.slice(0)}};f.getType=function(b){if(b&&"object"===typeof b){if(b.constructor==
(new Date).constructor)return"date";if("[object Array]""array"}return typeof b};f.visitModel=function(b,c,a){a=a||{};a.visitedObjects=a.visitedObjects||new R;var d,j=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b);if(O(j))a=y(a,j[n]),c(b,a.parentName),d="array"===f.getType(j)?[]:{};else return c(b,a.parentName);,d);var k=a.parentName;P(j,function(b){if(!(a.ignore&&-1!=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.ignore,b))){var i=j[b],g=a,h=k||"";"array"===f.getType(j)?k&&
(h+="["+b+"]"):(k&&(h+="."),h+=b);g.parentName=h;if(!(-1===e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.copy,b)&&-1===e.utils.arrayIndexOf(a.include,b)&&j[n]&&j[n].mappedProperties&&!j[n].mappedProperties[b]&&j[n].copiedProperties&&!j[n].copiedProperties[b]&&"array"!==f.getType(j)))switch(f.getType(e.utils.unwrapObservable(i))){case "object":case "array":case "undefined":g=a.visitedObjects.get(i);d[b]="undefined"!==f.getType(g)?g:f.visitModel(i,c,a);break;default:d[b]=c(i,a.parentName)}}});return d}});
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Markdown Cheat Sheet

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Format Text



-# This is an <h1> tag
-## This is an <h2> tag
-###### This is an <h6> tag

Text styles

-*This text will be italic*
-_This will also be italic_
-**This text will be bold**
-__This will also be bold__
-*You **can** combine them*




-* Item 1
-* Item 2
-  * Item 2a
-  * Item 2b


-1. Item 1
-2. Item 2
-3. Item 3
-   * Item 3a
-   * Item 3b




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-Format: ![Alt Text](url)


- - automatic!


-As Kanye West said:
-> We're living the future so
-> the present is our past.
- -

Code Examples in Markdown


Syntax highlighting with GFM

-function fancyAlert(arg) {
-  if(arg) {
-    $.facebox({div:'#foo'})
-  }

Or, indent your code 4 spaces

-Here is a Python code example
-without syntax highlighting:
-    def foo:
-      if not bar:
-        return true

Inline code for comments

-I think you should use an
-`<addr>` element here instead.
- -
- - - -
- - Something went wrong with that request. Please try again. - -
- - - - - - - - +/// Knockout Mapping plugin v2.3.5 +/// (c) 2012 Steven Sanderson, Roy Jacobs - +/// License: MIT ( +(function(e){"function"===typeof require&&"object"===typeof exports&&"object"===typeof module?e(require("knockout"),exports):"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["knockout","exports"],e):e(ko,ko.mapping={})})(function(e,f){function x(b,c){var a,d;for(d in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(d)&&c[d])if(a=f.getType(b[d]),d&&b[d]&&"array"!==a&&"string"!==a)x(b[d],c[d]);else if("array"===f.getType(b[d])&&"array"===f.getType(c[d])){a=b;for(var e=d,k=b[d],m=c[d],s={},g=k.length-1;0<=g;--g)s[k[g]]=k[g];for(g= +m.length-1;0<=g;--g)s[m[g]]=m[g];k=[];m=void 0;for(m in s)k.push(s[m]);a[e]=k}else b[d]=c[d]}function D(b,c){var a={};x(a,b);x(a,c);return a}function y(b,c){for(var a=D({},b),e=K.length-1;0<=e;e--){var f=K[e];a[f]&&(a[""]instanceof Object||(a[""]={}),a[""][f]=a[f],delete a[f])}c&&(a.ignore=h(c.ignore,a.ignore),a.include=h(c.include,a.include),a.copy=h(c.copy,a.copy),a.observe=h(c.observe,a.observe));a.ignore=h(a.ignore,i.ignore);a.include=h(a.include,i.include);a.copy=h(a.copy,i.copy);a.observe=h(a.observe, +i.observe);a.mappedProperties=a.mappedProperties||{};a.copiedProperties=a.copiedProperties||{};return a}function h(b,c){"array"!==f.getType(b)&&(b="undefined"===f.getType(b)?[]:[b]);"array"!==f.getType(c)&&(c="undefined"===f.getType(c)?[]:[c]);return e.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues(b.concat(c))}function E(b,c,a,d,j,k,m){var s="array"===f.getType(e.utils.unwrapObservable(c)),k=k||"";if(f.isMapped(b))var g=e.utils.unwrapObservable(b)[n],a=D(g,a);var i=m||j,h=function(){return a[d]&&a[d].create instanceof +Function},w=function(b){var f=F,g=e.dependentObservable;e.dependentObservable=function(a,b,c){c=c||{};a&&"object"==typeof a&&(c=a);var d=c.deferEvaluation,L=!1;c.deferEvaluation=!0;a=new G(a,b,c);if(!d){var g=a,d=e.dependentObservable;e.dependentObservable=G;a=e.isWriteableObservable(g);e.dependentObservable=d;a=G({read:function(){L||(e.utils.arrayRemoveItem(f,g),L=!0);return g.apply(g,arguments)},write:a&&function(a){return g(a)},deferEvaluation:!0});f.push(a)}return a};e.dependentObservable.fn= +G.fn;e.computed=e.dependentObservable;b=e.utils.unwrapObservable(j)instanceof Array?a[d].create({data:b||c,parent:i,skip:M}):a[d].create({data:b||c,parent:i});e.dependentObservable=g;e.computed=e.dependentObservable;return b},t=function(){return a[d]&&a[d].update instanceof Function},u=function(b,f){var g={data:f||c,parent:i,target:e.utils.unwrapObservable(b)};e.isWriteableObservable(b)&&(g.observable=b);return a[d].update(g)};if(m=H.get(c))return m;d=d||"";if(s){var s=[],r=!1,l=function(a){return a}; +a[d]&&a[d].key&&(l=a[d].key,r=!0);e.isObservable(b)||(b=e.observableArray([]),b.mappedRemove=function(a){var c="function"==typeof a?a:function(b){return b===l(a)};return b.remove(function(a){return c(l(a))})},b.mappedRemoveAll=function(a){var c=B(a,l);return b.remove(function(a){return-1!=e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,l(a))})},b.mappedDestroy=function(a){var c="function"==typeof a?a:function(b){return b===l(a)};return b.destroy(function(a){return c(l(a))})},b.mappedDestroyAll=function(a){var c=B(a,l);return b.destroy(function(a){return-1!= +e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,l(a))})},b.mappedIndexOf=function(a){var c=B(b(),l),a=l(a);return e.utils.arrayIndexOf(c,a)},b.mappedCreate=function(a){if(-1!==b.mappedIndexOf(a))throw Error("There already is an object with the key that you specified.");var c=h()?w(a):a;t()&&(a=u(c,a),e.isWriteableObservable(c)?c(a):c=a);b.push(c);return c});m=B(e.utils.unwrapObservable(b),l).sort();g=B(c,l);r&&g.sort();var r=e.utils.compareArrays(m,g),m={},I,z=e.utils.unwrapObservable(c),x={},y=!0,g=0;for(I=z.length;g