""" This file is part of Accountant. Accountant is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Accountant. If not, see . """ from . import auth from .. import api from ..model import db, session_scope from ..model.accounts import Account from ..model.entries import Entry from ..model.operations import Operation from flask import json, request from sqlalchemy import func, case, cast, extract, distinct from forms.accounts import AccountIdForm, AccountForm @api.route("/accounts", methods=["GET"]) @auth.login_required def get_accounts(): """ Returns accounts with their solds. """ with session_scope() as session: query = session.query( Account.id.label("id"), Account.name.label("name"), Account.authorized_overdraft.label("authorized_overdraft"), func.sum(Entry.value).label("future"), func.sum(case([(Entry.pointed, Entry.value,)], else_=cast(0, db.Numeric(15, 2)))).label("pointed"), func.sum(case([(Entry.operation_date < func.now(), Entry.value,)], else_=cast(0, db.Numeric(15, 2)))).label("current") ).outerjoin(Entry).group_by(Account.id).order_by(Account.id) return json.dumps([{ "id": i.id, "name": i.name, "authorized_overdraft": i.authorized_overdraft, "current": str(i.current), "pointed": str(i.pointed), "future": str(i.future) } for i in query.all()]) @api.route("/accounts////") @auth.login_required def get_account_status(account_id, year, month): with session_scope() as session: query = session.query( func.sum(case([(func.sign(Operation.value) == -1, Operation.value)], else_=0)).label("expenses"), func.sum(case([(func.sign(Operation.value) == 1, Operation.value)], else_=0)).label("revenues"), func.sum(Operation.value).label("balance") ).filter( Operation.account_id == account_id ).filter( func.date_trunc('month', Operation.operation_date) == "%s-%s-01" % (year, month) ).group_by(Operation.account_id) if query.count() == 1: result = query.one() revenues = result.revenues expenses = result.expenses balance = result.balance else: revenues = 0.0 expenses = 0.0 balance = 0.0 return json.dumps({ "expenses": str(expenses), "revenues": str(revenues), "balance": str(balance) }) @api.route("/accounts//months") @auth.login_required def get_months(account_id): with session_scope() as session: query = session.query( distinct(func.lpad(cast(extract("year", Entry.operation_date), db.String), 4, '0')).label("year"), func.lpad(cast(extract("month", Entry.operation_date), db.String), 2, '0').label("month") ).filter(Entry.account_id == account_id).order_by("year", "month") return json.dumps([{ "year": i.year, "month": i.month.rjust(2, '0') } for i in query.all()]) @api.route("/accounts", methods=["PUT"]) @auth.login_required def add_account(): with session_scope() as session: account = Account(request.json['name'], request.json['authorized_overdraft']) session.add(account) return json.dumps("Account added.") @api.route("/accounts/", methods=["PUT"]) @auth.login_required def update_account(account_id): account_form = AccountForm() if account_form.validate(): with session_scope() as session: account = session.query(Account).filter(Account.id == account_id).first() account.name = request.json['name'] account.authorized_overdraft = request.json['authorized_overdraft'] session.merge(account) return json.dumps("Account #%s updated." % account_id) else: return json.dumps({'ok': False, 'error_type': 'validation', 'errors': account_form.errors}) @api.route("/accounts/", methods=["DELETE"]) @auth.login_required def delete_account(account_id): with session_scope() as session: account = session.query(Account).filter(Account.id == account_id).first() session.delete(account) return json.dumps("Account #%s deleted." % account_id)