\documentclass[8pt,a4paper]{moderncv} % moderncv themes \moderncvtheme[blue]{custom} %\moderncvtheme[roman]{casual} % character encoding %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage[francais]{babel} %\usepackage[cyr]{aeguill} % adjust the page margins \usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=1cm]{geometry} % 1cm margin. \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2,8cm} % date column length. \setlength{\quotewidth}{\textwidth} % date column length. \AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths} % required when modifying lengthes % personal data \firstname{Alexis} \familyname{Lahouze} \title{Senior Server Engineer} \address{174, avenue du Pr\'esident\\Robert Schuman}{33110 Le Bouscat France} \mobile{+33 6 85 81 05 71} \email{alexis@lahouze.org} \homepage{http://lahouze.org} \extrainfo{Car driving licence, personal vehicle\\French nationality\\Married} \photo[80pt]{images/photo} %\quote{\flushleft<<~J'aime apprendre, transmettre mes connaissances et relever les d\'efis techniques~>>} \nopagenumbers{} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % content %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Experiences} \cventry{Since 2004} {Consultant} {Capgemini} {M\'erignac - France} {} {\textbf{System administration} (since 2007) \begin{itemize} \item VMWare virtual platform management (3 ESX Servers, about 15 virtual machines). \item Continuous integration platform management (Hudons/Jenkins, Sonar), and collaborative working tools for some projects (Dokuwiki, Mantis, Subversion). \item Tape backup policy initialization and management with Bacula. \item Xen virtual platform management for a specific project, with about 10 Debian virtual servers. \end{itemize} \textbf{Java conception and development} \begin{itemize} \item Web application development with n-tiers and distributed architecture, using frameworks (Struts, Spring, Hibernate, ExtJS) for Minist\`ere de l'\'Equipement (2004-2007) then for Bison Fut\'e (since 2007). \item SQL queries writing and optimization. \end{itemize} } \cventry{Since 10/2010} {Volunteer systems administrator} {L'Autre Net} {} {} {\begin{itemize} \item DNS (Bind9), Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL), mail (Postfix, Courier IMAP, Mailman) associative platform management, powered by AlternC. \item Managed by about 10 members, used by about 1000 members, hosting about 3000 websites. \item Debian servers, monitored with Nagios and Munin, daily backed up with RSync. \end{itemize} } \cventry{2006--2010} {Volunteer systems administrator} {Association Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres (ABUL)} {} {} {\begin{itemize} \item ABUL Debian server management, with Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL) and mail (Postfix, Dovecot, Sympa) services. \item Monitoring with mail reporting tools (logcheck, logwatch, rkhunter). \end{itemize} } \cventry{2007--2009} {Chairman} {Libre Software Meeting (LSM)} {Mont-de-Marsan, Nantes (France)} {} {\begin{itemize} \item <<~Digital Entertainment~>> (2007-2008) then <<~Free Culture and Art~>> (2008-2009) themes support. \item Coordination with other chairmen and officials of the event. \item Search for speakers. \item Budget setting. \item Conference scheduling on the week. \item Speakers welcoming and management of their conferences. \end{itemize} } \section{Education} \cventry{2003} {Dipl\^ome Universitaire Technologique (DUT) in Computer Science} {Institut Universitaire de Technologie Informatique} {Bayonne (France)} {} {} \cventry{2001} {Scientific Baccalaur\'eat, majored Industrial Technology and Mathematics, option Computer Science} {Lyc\'ee De Borda} {Dax (France)} {} {} \newpage{} \section{Skills} \subsection{System administration} \cvline{Systems}{Linux server administration (Debian, Gentoo, Arch).} \cvline{Services} {Service administration: \begin{itemize} \item Web: Apache, Nginx, PHP. \item Mails: SMTP (Postfix), IMAP (Dovecot, Cyrus), Antispam (Spamassassin, Dspam), Antivirus (ClamAV). \item Jabber (ejabberd, jabber14). \item DNS (bind9). \item Database Management System (PostgreSQL, MySQL), PostgreSQL tuning concepts. \item Version Control System (Subversion, Git). \item Java application servers (Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss) and Web applications (Sonar, Jenkin, Artifactory). \item Configuration management (Puppet). \end{itemize} } \cvline{Security} {Defining and setting up a backup policy (Bacula, BackupPC).\newline{} Using system administration tools: \begin{itemize} \item Monitoring and reporting (Nagios, check\_mk, Munin, Logcheck, Logwatch, smartmond, mdadm\dots). \item Security and Intrusion Detection (Iptables, Shorewall, Snort, Rkhunter, Chkrootkit, debsums). \end{itemize} } \cvline{Scripting} {Daily shellscript use.\newline{} Perl and Python programming concepts.} \subsection{Development} \cvline{Java} {N-Tiers application development, Javadoc, unit testing (JUnit), frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, Struts), build and development tools (Maven, Ant, IDE).\newline{}} \cvline{C/C++} {Using libraries (Boost, Qt), doxygen, build and development tools (Autotools, CMake, IDE).\newline{}} \subsection{Langues} \cvline{French}{Native.} \cvline{English}{Very good technical writing knowledge.} \cvline{Spanish}{Good writing knowledge.} \subsection{Human skills} \cvline{}{Very good interpersonal skills, team working, curious, autonomous, persistent, tactful.} %\cvline{}{Accr\'editeur CACert} \section{Miscellaneous informations} \subsection{Associations} \cvline{ABUL} {Treasurer (from 2008 to 2010), participating in mailing lists, speakings for << \`A Libre Ouvert >> (command line interface for beginners, instant messaging).} \cvline{\httplink{linuxfr.org}}{Reviewer from 2008 to 2010.} \subsection{Hobbies} \cvline{}{Reading, movies watching, music listening, trumpet playing, traveling, hiking, bike riding\dots} \end{document}