#!/bin/zsh # _ssh_agent_plugin_debug function function _ssh_agent_plugin_debug() { local _ssh_agent_plugin_verbose zstyle -b :xals:plugins:ssh-agent verbose _ssh_agent_plugin_verbose if [[ "${_ssh_agent_plugin_verbose}" == "yes" ]]; then echo $* fi } # Function to clean global link function _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_global_sock() { # Clean link to obsolete auth socket. if [ -L "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found global link to socket, checking it." if [ -S "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" -a -w "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Global link relating to a valid socket, keeping it." else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found a broken global link, removing it." # Remove obsolete global link unlink "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" fi elif [ -e "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then # Note: here ${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock} may exist, but may be not a symlink, we remove it. _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found garbage, cleaning up." rm -f "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" fi } function _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_auth_sock() { # Cleanup ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} if not a valid socket. if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" -a -w "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Auth socket is valid." else if [ -e "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found garbage, cleaning up." rm -f "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" fi if [ -n "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found an invalid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}, unsetting it." unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK fi fi } function _ssh_agent_plugin_launch_agent() { if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found valid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}." else # We don't have an SSH auth socket, we try to create one. if [ -x "$(which keychain)" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Launching keychain." # Launch keychain _ssh_agent_plugin_run_keychain elif [ -x "$(which ssh-agent)" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Lauching classic SSH agent." _ssh_agent_plugin_run_classic_agent else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "No valid SSH agent manager found." fi fi } function _ssh_agent_plugin_export_global_sock() { # Export SSH authentication socket if socket is valid. if [ -S "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" -a -w "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then if [ "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" != "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Exporting ${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock} as new \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}." export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "\${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock} is already the same as \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}." fi else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock} is not a valid socket." fi } function _ssh_agent_plugin_link_global_sock() { # Link to existing socket, if we are not already linked to it if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" -a -w "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found valid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}." if [ "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" != "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then # Update link with new socket if needed if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" -a -w "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Linking to new valid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}." ln -sf "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Don't have a valid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} to link to." fi else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Already using linked socket." fi else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Didn't find valid \${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} to link to." fi } # launch SSH agent function _ssh_agent_plugin_init() { local -x _ssh_agent_plugin_sock zstyle -s :xals:plugins:ssh-agent global_sock _ssh_agent_plugin_sock local _ssh_agent_plugin_enable_root zstyle -b :xals:plugins:ssh-agent enable_root _ssh_agent_plugin_enable_root local -x _ssh_agent_plugin_directory="$HOME/.ssh" if [ ! -d "${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Creating ${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory} directory." mkdir "${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory}" chmod 700 "${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory}" fi # Reuse user authentication socket if I am root and using sudo. if [ -z "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then if [ "${USER}" != "root" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_sock="/tmp/ssh-agent-$USER" elif [ "${_ssh_agent_plugin_enable_root}" == "yes" ]; then if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_sock="/tmp/ssh-agent-$SUDO_USER" else _ssh_agent_plugin_sock="/tmp/ssh-agent-$USER" fi fi fi _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Static socket will be: \"${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}\"." # We want to do socket linking only if it is necessary if [ -n "${_ssh_agent_plugin_sock}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Global socket is defined" # Clean global link. _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_global_sock # Clean auth sock. _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_auth_sock # First time export. _ssh_agent_plugin_export_global_sock # Launch agent if not valid SSH_AUTH_SOCK found. _ssh_agent_plugin_launch_agent # Link to SSH_AUTH_SOCK. _ssh_agent_plugin_link_global_sock # Second time export. _ssh_agent_plugin_export_global_sock # Add identities. _ssh_agent_plugin_add_identities fi } # Use keychain to launch SSH agent. function _ssh_agent_plugin_run_keychain() { if [ -x "$(which keychain)" ]; then keychain --quiet --nogui --inherit any --agents ssh [ -r $HOME/.keychain/$(hostname)-sh ] && source $HOME/.keychain/$(hostname)-sh fi } # Launch classic SSH agent. function _ssh_agent_plugin_run_classic_agent() { # We launch the agent only if there is not auth socket. if [ -S "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" -a -w "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then # We should not be here, but just in case... else if [ -e "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]; then # Should not happen... Just in case... rm -f "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" fi if [ -x "$(which ssh-agent)" ]; then local _ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile="${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory}/agent-pid" # Cleanup old PID file if [ -r "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}" ]; then local _ssh_agent_plugin_pid=$(< "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}") _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Found a PID file with value ${_ssh_agent_plugin_pid}." if [ ! -e "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pid}" ] ; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Removing remaining PID file." rm -f "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}" fi fi if [ -r "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}" ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Killing existing agent." export SSH_AGENT_PID=$(< "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}") eval $(ssh-agent -s -k) > /dev/null rm -f "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}" fi _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Launching SSH agent." local _ssh_agent_plugin_lifetime zstyle -s :xals:plugins:ssh-agent lifetime _ssh_agent_plugin_lifetime eval $(ssh-agent -s ${_ssh_agent_plugin_lifetime:+-t} ${_ssh_agent_plugin_lifetime}) > /dev/null echo $SSH_AGENT_PID > "${_ssh_agent_plugin_pidfile}" fi fi } # Add SSH key if not already added. function _ssh_agent_plugin_add_identities() { if [ -x "$(which ssh-add)" ]; then # "ssh-add -l" return codes: # 0: one or more keys were found. # 1: no key was found. # 2: agent could not be contacted. local _ssh_agent_plugin_identities zstyle -a :xals:plugins:ssh-agent identities _ssh_agent_plugin_identities if [ "${#_ssh_agent_plugin_identities}" -eq 0 ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_identities=("id_rsa") fi ssh-add -l > /dev/null if [ 2 -eq $? ] ; then # Agent is not launched _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Agent is not launched. Probably no key available." else # Agent has identities added, check if the ones we want are present, add them if not. local _ssh_agent_plugin_identity for _ssh_agent_plugin_identity in ${_ssh_agent_plugin_identities}; do local _ssh_agent_plugin_identity_absolute_path _ssh_agent_plugin_identity_absolute_path=$(readlink -f "${_ssh_agent_plugin_directory}/${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity}") if [ -r "${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity_absolute_path}" ]; then ssh-add -l | awk '{print $3}' | while read _ssh_agent_plugin_added_identity; do readlink -f "${_ssh_agent_plugin_added_identity}" | grep -q "${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity_absolute_path}" done if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "Adding ${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity} identity." ssh-add "${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity_absolute_path}" else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity} identity already added." fi else _ssh_agent_plugin_debug "${_ssh_agent_plugin_identity} identity does not exist." fi done fi fi } _ssh_agent_plugin_init unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_init unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_global_sock unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_clean_auth_sock unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_export_global_sock unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_launch_agent unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_link_global_sock unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_run_keychain unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_run_classic_agent unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_add_identities unfunction _ssh_agent_plugin_debug