This commit is contained in:
@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncv.cls'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesClass{moderncv}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae document class]
% debugging
% class options
% (need to be done before the external package loading, for example because
% we need \paperwidth, \paperheight and \@ptsize to be defined before loading
% geometry and fancyhdr)
% paper size option
% font size options
% draft/final option
% nolmodern option
% nocolor option
% CJK option
% execute default options
% process given options
% required packages
% \AtEndPreamble hook (loading tetoolbox instead of defining the macro, as to avoid incompatibilities with etoolbox (and packages relying on it) defining the macro too)
% if... then... else... constructs
% latex vs pdflatex vs xelatex vs luatex compilation
% color
% font encoding
% scalable Computer Modern fonts
% latin modern fonts
% symbols like \Telefon, \Mobilefone, \Letter and \Email
% extended characters of T1 in .ps + other guillemets
% page geometry
% hyperrefs
% load hyperred at the end of the preamble to pass options required by loaded packages (like CJK)
% baseurl = http://,
pdfborder = 0 0 0,
% pdfpagemode = UseNone,% do not show thumbnails or bookmarks on opening
% pdfstartview = FitH,
% pdfstartpage = 1,
pdfcreator = \LaTeX{} with `moderncv' package,
pdfproducer = \LaTeX{},
bookmarksopen = true,
pdfauthor = \@firstname~\@familyname,
pdftitle = \@title,
pdfsubject = \@firstname~\@familyname,
pdfkeywords = \@firstname~\@familyname{} curriculum vit\ae{}}}
\pagenumbering{arabic}% has to be issued after loading hyperref
% graphics
% headers and footers
% compatibility package with older versions of moderncv
% class definition
% minimal base settings
% style commands definitions
% symbols used
% colors
% fonts
% styles
% themes: casual (default), classic, ...
\moderncvtheme{casual}% default theme
% structure commands definitions
% length used by the moderncv layout
% quote length
% section lengths
% doubleitem lengths
% listitem lengths
% listdoubleitem lengths
% recompute all the lengths that depends on the text width
% main lenghts
% listitem lengths
% doubleitem lengths
% listdoubleitem lengths
% fancyhdr lengths
% makes the cv title
\title{}% to avoid LaTeX complaining that \maketitle is a called without first a call to \title
% draws a colored rectangle
% usage: \colorrule[optional height]{width}
% usage: \section{<title>}
\phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
\par\nobreak\vskip 1ex\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
% starred variant, which is identical but defined to allow its use (e.g. for natbib compatibility, who uses \section*{} for the bibliography header)
% usage: \subsection{title}
\raggedleft\hintfont{} &{\subsectionstyle{#1}}%
\par\nobreak\vskip 0.5ex\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
% \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% does not work, the bookmark is placed at the same level as sections (placed themselves at part level to be visible, as hyperref does not allow sections without parents...)
% usage: \cvline{margintext}{linetext}
\raggedleft\hintfont{#2} &{\normalfont{\small#3}}%
% usage: \cvdoubleitem{subtitle}{text}{subtitle}{text}
% usage: \cvlistitem[symbol]{point1}
% usage: \cvlistdoubleitem[symbol]{point1}{point2}
% usage: \cventry{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer}{localization}{optionnal: grade/...}{optional: comment/job description}
\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{, {\slshape#3}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, #4}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
% usage: \link[optional text]{link}
% usage: \httplink[optional text]{link}
% usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link}
% usage: \nopagenumbers{}
\ifthenelse{\pageref{lastpage} > 1}{%
% thebibliography environment, for use with BibTeX and possibly multibib
% bibliography item label
\newcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{}% use \@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}} for BibTeX labels
% bibliography head (section, etc}, depending on whether multibib is used
% thebibliography environment definition
% \sfcode`\.\@m%
% \sfcode `\=1000\relax%
\def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
\newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
% itemize, enumerate and description environment
\setlength{\leftmargini} {1.2em}
\setlength{\leftmarginii} {1em}
\setlength{\leftmarginiii} {1.87em}
\setlength{\leftmarginiv} {1.7em}
\setlength{\leftmarginv} {1em}
\setlength{\leftmarginvi} {1em}
\setlength{\labelsep} {.5em}
\setlength{\labelwidth} {\leftmargini}
\addtolength{\labelwidth} {-\labelsep}
\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty
% itemize labels
% enumerate labels
% description label
% hooks to adjust spacing (idea by Jakob Schiøtz; see
\RequirePackage{tweaklist}% distributed with moderncv, not found on ctan and slightly modified
% classical \today definition
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
%% end of file `moderncv.cls'.
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcompatibility}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae compatibility patches]
% required packages
% package options
% old casual option (version 0.1)
% old classic option (version 0.1)
% process given options
% definitions
% compatibility with version 0.1
% compatibility with versions <= 0.2
% section, cvline, ... with width argument...
% \closesection{}%
% \@sectionopentrue%
% \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#2}
% \begin{longtable}[t]{@{}r@{\hspace{.025\textwidth}}@{}p{#1\textwidth}@{}}%
%% \colorrule{.15\textwidth}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
% {\color{sectionrectanglecolor}\rule{0.15\textwidth}{1ex}}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
% \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\small\sffamily#2\end{minipage}&\begin{minipage}[t]{\maincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}\\}
% \cvline[#1]{#2}{#3\vspace*{.75em}}} % the \vspace*{} inside the cvline environment is a hack... (should conceptually be outside the environment)
% compatibility with versions <= 0.5
% compatibility with versions <=0.7
%% end of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemecasual.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemecasual}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae style: casual]
% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% roman option
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemecasual}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
% styles
% maketitle
% \raggedleft{\firstnamestyle{\MakeLowercase{\@firstname}}\familynamestyle{\MakeLowercase{\@familyname}}}\\[-.35em]}%
% optional quote
\par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle
% cv footer
{ ~~\color{footersymbolcolor}\textbullet~~~}\fi}
%% end of file `moderncvthemecasual.sty'.
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemeclassic.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemeclassic}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae style: classic]
% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% roman option
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemeclassic}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
% styles
% maketitle
% setmaketitlenamemaxwidth to the full name length, capped by \maketitlenamemaxwidth
% other lengths
% recompute theme-specific lengths, called by class to recompute all lengths
% name and title
% optional data
% optional photo
\raggedleft{}\addressfont\color{addresscolor}% required to correctly align content
% optional quote
%% end of file `moderncvthemeclassic.sty'.
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemecustom.sty'.
%% Copyright 2011 Alexis Lahouze (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemecustom}[2011/08/03 v0.1 custom curriculum vitae style: custom]
% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemecustom}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
\renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{phv} % Arial
\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{phv} % Arial
\renewcommand*{\sfdefault}{phv} % Arial
% styles
% maketitle
% setmaketitlenamemaxwidth to the full name length, capped by \maketitlenamemaxwidth
% other lengths
% recompute theme-specific lengths, called by class to recompute all lengths
% name and title
% optional quote
% optional photo
\raggedleft{}\addressfont\color{addresscolor}% required to correctly align content
% title
%% end of file `moderncvthemecustom.sty'.
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemeempty.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemeempty}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae style: empty]
% required packages
% package options
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemeempty}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
%% end of file `moderncvthemeempty.sty'.
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