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This commit is contained in:
Alexis Lahouze 2013-06-24 16:04:24 +02:00
commit f21b589055
27 changed files with 2043 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

CHANGELOG Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
version 0.12 (03 August 2010)
- prevents pagebreaks after sections and subsections (launchpad bug #409902),
as originally reported by C. Gaspoz and fixed by launchpad user tentotwo).
version 0.11 (20 July 2010)
- removed the \ifpdf check when loading the graphicx package, as graphicx does
does check internally and this was preventing proper functionning with xelatex
and luatex, as reported by A. Trautmann. The same check was also removed
everywhere else in the document (i.e. when loading the color and hyperref
version 0.10 (13 June 2010)
- fixed a compatibility issue with the natbib package (natbib uses \section*
to format the bibliography title, while only \section was defined by moderncv),
as reported on launchpad (launchpad bug #393920).
- fixed a compatibility issues with (any package relying on) the etoolbox package,
due to the double definition of \AtEndPreamble, as reported by D. Becker.
version 0.9 (31 May 2010)
- added support for the itemize, enumerate and description environments.
version 0.8 (24 May 2010)
- added support for multibib. Also modified the template to illustrate how to show
labels in the bibliography, as requested by Tom D. R. and Stefan K.
- added a command to indicate your personal homepage (\homepage{url}), as
requested by J. de Jong and A. Pairet.
- corrected an alignment bug for text following a \quote with no immediate
\section, as kindly reported by J. Vermeulen and L. Saliou.
- corrected a spacing bug when no blank line (or \par) is left after \maketitle.
Thanks to A. Menzel for reporting the strange behaviour.
- corrected the alignment of the extrainfo title part when no picture was used,
as reported by M. Bana.
- corrected the missplacement of pdf bookmarks as noticed by L. Fortunato.
- corrected several bugs linked to the code for checking for empty arguments in
\cventry, as reported by B. Ekran (launchpad bug #268768), L. Păncescu and
E. Gregorio.
version 0.7 (17 June 2008)
- corrected an outstanding spacing bug (space between cvlines longer
than 1 line).
- removed the need to use \closesection and \emptysection as internal
tabulars are now always closed. This allows she use of bibliography packages
such as bibunits. Thanks to S. Busch for pointing out the incompatibility and
helping testing out the bug correction.
- changed the definition of \photo: the first (optional) argument should
give the desired width of the picture, instead of its height
- corrected an alignment bug for \cvlistitems longer than 1 line, as
reported by S. Nikolopoulos.
- deprecated the commands \sethintscolumnlength and \sethintscolumntowidth.
Instead, just set \hintscolumnwidth to the desired length by using the regular
\setlength or \settowidth commands, and call \recomputelengths.
- added the ability to control the width of the name placeholder in the classic
theme, by setting the length \maketitlenamewidth. Again, don't forget to call
\recomputelengths afterward.
version 0.6 (28 May 2007)
- corrected some spacing bugs and cleaned up the code.
- corrected a bug in the bibliography file of the examples spotted by
U. Stöhr.
- added color variants to the classic and casual style, as suggested by
U. Stöhr.
- added a page counter for resumes running longer than 1 page, as requested by
A. Martin. It can be disabled by the command \nopagenumbers{}.
- added commands to include a mobile phone and fax number.
- made the symbols used for the phone number, the email, ... customizable.
To modify those symbols, just redefine \phonesymbol, emailsymbol, ...
- corrected the pdf information given to hyperref as pointed out by
C. Knuepfer.
- rewrote the examples.
version 0.5 (9 September 2006)
- added a \photo command to display a picture. That command takes the name of
the file with the picture as argument, and the desired height as optional
- implemented the needed commands to make moderncv compatible with BibTeX, as
suggested by J. Lie. This makes it possible to display one's publications,
stored in the BibTeX file 'publications.bib'
by using:
As usual, the name of the section title can be changed by redefining the
command \refname.
- added the \today command, useful for example if one need to add the date the
resumé was produced with
\vfill{\hfill{\scriptsize Produced \today.}}
at the end of your CV, as suggested by F. Hammann.
version 0.4 (2 May 2006)
- removed the dependency on the geometry package, so that users can now invoke
it themselve, and easily change the geometry of the page.
version 0.3 (10 April 2006)
- moderncv now uses the 'longtable' class, allowing cv sections to split
across multiple pages.
- the different lengths used by moderncv are now customizable! In particular,
the first column (the one containing the date in the examples), can now be set
to any width, for people needing a smaller or larger one. To do that, either
where <length> is the desired length in a unit LaTeX understands, or
where <string> is a string of the desired length (usually, the longest string
that has to appear in the column). Thanks to A. Pöge for pointing out the need
of such a feature.
- added the command \emptysection{}, which makes it possible to start a
section without name. In combination with \closesection{}, this makes it
possible to drop out of the layout of moderncv, and come back to it later.
This should make the inclusion of arbitrary elements not covered by moderncv
code possible.
- corrected a spacing problem in the cventry command, as pointed out and
solved by B. Eßmann.
version 0.2 (6 March 2006)
- rewrite of the code to have the styles (fonts, colours, headers and footers)
be defined in different files than the class. The styles are now defined in a
separate file per style, named moderncvstyle<style_name>. It should now be
easy to write your own style, starting from moderncvstyleempty.sty. If you
feel you have created a nice style, just email it to me and I'll include it in
the next version.
- due to the previous point, styles are now loaded by the command
\moderncvstyle{style_name}. I couldn't figure out a way to preserve the old
"casual" and "classic" class options, so these are now broken! Use
\moderncvstyle{casual} or \moderncvstyle{classic} at the beginning of your
document. This should be the only incompatibility with version 0.1.
- added class option "nolmodern" for people without the latin modern fonts.
- corrected some English mistakes in the examples. Thanks to M. H. Prager for
pointing them out.
- added a \cvlistitem to produce items with a bullet (or whatever is defined
in \listitemsymbol), and renamed \cvresume to \cvlistdoubleitem for
consistency purpose. For compatibility reasons, the command \cvresume still
works, but should be avoided.
version 0.1 (1 March 2006)
- first release.

KNOWN_BUGS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- The \cvsection command seems to be unable to handle a Chinese argument, using
- Moderncv produces an error ("lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment")
when used with bibentry, through the output is actually correct. Amongst other,
this causes compilation by LyX to stop.

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
TEX=rubber -d
TEXs=$(wildcard *.tex)
default: $(PDFs)
rm -f *.blg *.log *.out *.aux *.toc *.bbl *.mtc* *.maf *.lof *.lot *.som *.pdf sections/*.aux
rm -f *.blg *.log *.out *.aux *.toc *.bbl *.mtc* *.maf *.lof *.lot *.som sections/*.aux
%.pdf: %.tex
$(TEX) $<

README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
moderncv -- a modern curriculum vitae class
Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting modern curriculum vitaes in
various styles. It is fairly customizable, allowing you to define your own style
by changing the colors, the fonts, ... and provides two default styles: classic
and casual.
The moderncv documentclass need it's input to be formatted with regular
commands like:
but also defines its own special commands:
Most commands are defined in such a way that the arguments are optional.
Documents can be compiled into dvi, ps or pdf.
Until a decent manual is written, you can always look in the "examples"
directory for some examples.
Author: Xavier Danaux <xdanaux@gmail.com>
Date: 28 May 2007

alahouze_dev_fr.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
% moderncv themes
% character encoding
% adjust the page margins
\usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=1cm]{geometry} % 1cm margin.
\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2,8cm} % date column length.
\setlength{\quotewidth}{\textwidth} % date column length.
\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths} % required when modifying lengthes
% personal data
\address{174, avenue du Pr\'esident\\Robert Schuman}{33110 Le Bouscat}
\mobile{+33 6 85 81 05 71}
\extrainfo{Permis B, v\'ehicule personnel\\Nationalit\'e fran\c caise\\Mari\'e}
\quote{\flushleft\guillemotleft~J'aime apprendre, transmettre mes connaissances et relever les d\'efis techniques~\guillemotright}
% content
\subsection{Capgemini, site de M\'erignac}
\cventry{Depuis 08/2007}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/JEE}
{Tipi/Bison Fut\'e}
{Int\'egration dans une \'equipe d'une quinzaine de personnes.\newline{}
D\'eveloppement de modules de l'application Web JEE en utilisant les frameworks Spring et Hibernate.
D\'eveloppement de composants JBI pour Servicemix.\newline{}
Gestion des versions sous Subversion, avec r\'ealisation des merges des branches de d\'eveloppement et de corrections.}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/Swing}
{D\'eveloppement de deux composants graphiques Java Swing \`a int\'egrer dans le produit Orbis, syst\`eme d'information li\'e au dossier m\'edical des patients.}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/JEE, Linux}
{Saint M\'edard en Jalles}
{Maintenance applicative corrective et \'evolutive de l'application Web Cerb\`ere, syst\`eme d'authentification SSO sp\'ecifique au Minist\`ere de l'\'Equipenent.\\
Int\'egration de technologies de type carte \`a puce et authentification par certificat dans une distribution Linux d\'edi\'ee aux inspecteurs du permis de conduire.}
{D\'eveloppeur WebMethods}
{Pap\`eteries La Couronne}
{La Couronne}
{D\'eveloppement d'interfaces de communication entre l'ancien syst\`eme d'information (VMS) et le nouveau (SAP) gr\^ace \`a l'outil WebMethods.}
\subsection{Documents Images Solutions}
{D\'eveloppeur Visual C++}
{D\'eveloppement d'un composant ActiveX de contr\^ole d'un scanner via l'interface TWAIN, et affichage de TIFF multipage.}
%\section{Exp\'eriences personnelles}
%\cventry{Depuis 03/2011}
% {D\'eveloppeur C++}
% {}
% {}
% {}
% {Co-conception et co-d\'eveloppement d'un moteur de jeu vid\'eo en ligne en C++ en utilisant les frameworks Boost, Ogre3D, .}
\subsection{Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre}
{Directeur de Th\`eme \guillemotleft~Culture et Art Libre~\guillemotright}
{Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL)}
{Coordination avec les autres directeurs du th\`eme, recherche d'intervenants, d\'efinition d'un budget pr\'evisionnel, planification des interventions sur la semaine.}
{Directeur de Th\`eme \guillemotleft~Loisirs Num\'eriques~\guillemotright}
{Coordination avec les autres directeurs du th\`eme, recherche d'intervenants, d\'efinition d'un budget pr\'evisionnel, planification des interventions sur la semaine, accueil des intervenants, gestion des interventions.}
{Dipl\^ome Universitaire Technologique (DUT) Informatique}
{Institut Universitaire de Technologie Informatique}
{Baccalaur\'eat Scientifique, sp\'ecialit\'es Technologie Industrielle et Math\'ematiques, option Informatique}
{Lyc\'ee De Borda}
{\textit{Mention Assez Bien}}
\cvline{C/C++}{Utilisation d'environnements int\'egr\'es de d\'eveloppement (QtCreator, Kdevelop, Kate, Anjuta).\newline{}
Utilisation d'outils de gestion de build (CMake, GNU Autotools).\newline{}
Utilisation de frameworks (Qt, Boost, SOCI, CPPUnit).\newline{}
Utilisation d'outils de debug et de profiling (GDB, Valgrind).\newline{}
Notions de d\'eveloppent 3D, avec framework graphique (Ogre3D) et physique (Bullet).}
\cvline{Java}{Utilisation d'environnements int\'egr\'es de d\'eveloppement (Eclipse, Netbeans).\newline{}
Utilisation d'outils de gestion de build (Ant, Maven).\newline{}
Utilisation de frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, Struts).\newline{}
Gestion d'une plateforme d'int\'egration continue (Hudson/Jenkins, Sonar, Artifactory).}
\cvline{Web}{D\'eveloppement Web (HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript/ExtJS).}
\cvline{Outils}{Utilisation d'outils de d\'eveloppement collaboratif (Subversion, Git, Redmine, Bugzilla, Dokuwiki).}
\cvline{BDD}{D\'eveloppement de requ\^etes SQL.\newline{}
Analyse et optimisation du plan d'ex\'ecution d'une requ\^ete.}
\subsection{Administration syst\`eme}
\cvline{}{Administration de serveurs et services sous Linux.}
\cvlanguage{Fran\c cais}{Langue maternelle}{}
\cvlanguage{Anglais}{Lu, \'ecrit, parl\'e}{}
\cvlanguage{Espagnol}{Lu, \'ecrit, parl\'e}{}
\cvline{}{Tr\`es bon relationnel, travail en \'equipe, diplomatie, pers\'ev\'erance, curiosit\'e, autonomie}
%\cvline{}{Accr\'editeur CACert}
\section{Informations compl\'ementaires}
\subsection{Vie associative}
{Tr\'esorier de 2009 \`a 2010, Participation aux listes de diffusion, Conf\'erences donn\'ees dans le cadre de \`A Libre Ouvert (ligne de commande pour d\'ebutants, messagerie instantan\'ee)}
\cvline{\httplink{linuxfr.org}}{Relecteur de 2008 \`a 2010}
\cvline{}{Lecture, cin\'ema, musique, ancien joueur de trompette, \'echecs, voyages, marche, v\'elo\dots}

alahouze_fr.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
% moderncv themes
% character encoding
% adjust the page margins
\usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=1cm]{geometry} % 1cm margin.
\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2,8cm} % date column length.
\setlength{\quotewidth}{\textwidth} % date column length.
\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths} % required when modifying lengthes
% personal data
\title{D\'eveloppeur / Administrateur Syst\`eme}
\address{174, avenue du Pr\'esident Robert Schuman}{33110 Le Bouscat}
\mobile{+33 6 86 81 05 71}
\extrainfo{Mari\'e le 21 ao\^ut 2010\\Permis B, v\'ehicule personnel}
\quote{\flushleft\guillemotleft~J'aime apprendre, transmettre mes connaissances\\et relever les d\'efis techniques~\guillemotright}
% content
\section{Exp\'eriences professionelles}
\subsection{Capgemini, site de M\'erignac}
\cventry{Depuis 08/2007}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/JEE}
{\textbf{Client~: }Minist\`ere de l'\'Ecologie, du D\'eveloppement Durable, des Transports et des Logements\newline{}
\textbf{Objet~: }Refonte du syst\`eme d'informations de Bison Fut\'e.\newline{}
\textbf{R\^ole~: }D\'eveloppement de modules de l'application Web, D\'eveloppement de composants JBI pour Servicemix.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, Java/JEE, Hibernate, Spring, Hazelcast, ExtJS, Javadoc, JUnit, Eclipse, Subversion, Apache Tomcat, Servicemix}
\cventry{Depuis 08/2007}
{Administrateur Syst\`eme}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Administration d'une plateforme de tests pour Tipi, Administration de la plateforme d'int\'egration continue et d'outils collaboratifs pour plusieurs projets.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, Xen, PostgreSQL, Postfix, Cyrus, Mantis, Subversion, Jenkins (anciennement Hudson), Sonar, Artifactory, Tomcat, Glassfish}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/Swing}
{\textbf{Objet: }D\'eveloppement de deux composants Swing \`a int\'egrer dans le produit Orbis, syst\`eme d'information li\'e au dossier m\'edical des patients.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Windows, Java/Swing, Javadoc, Eclipse}
{D\'eveloppeur Java/JEE, Linux}
{Saint M\'edard en Jalles}
{\textbf{Objet: }Maintenance applicative corrective et \'evolutive de l'application Web Cerb\`ere, syst\`eme d'authentification SSO sp\'ecifique au Minist\`ere de l'\'Equipenent.\\
Int\'egration de technologies de type carte \`a puce et authentification par certificat dans une distribution Linux d\'edi\'ee.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, Java/JEE, Struts, EJB, JUnit, Javadoc, Eclipse, Subversion, JBoss}
{D\'eveloppeur WebMethods}
{La Couronne}
{\textbf{Client~: }Pap\`eteries La Couronne\newline{}
\textbf{Objet~: }D\'eveloppement d'interfaces de communication entre l'ancien syst\`eme d'information (VMS) et le nouveau (SAP) gr\^ace \`a l'outil WebMethods.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }MS-Windows, WebMethods}
\subsection{Documents Images Solutions}
{D\'eveloppeur Visual C++}
{\textbf{Objet~: }D\'eveloppement d'un composant ActiveX de contr\^ole d'un scanner via l'interface TWAIN, et affichage de TIFF multipage.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }MS-Windows, MS-Visual Studio, TWAIN, TIFF}
\section{Exp\'eriences personnelles}
\cventry{Depuis 02/2007}
{Administrateur Syst\`eme}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Administration syst\`eme de mon domaine personnel "lahouze.org" avec les services de nom de domaine, mail, web, jabber\dots\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Gentoo Linux puis Debian GNU/Linux, Bind, Postfix, Apache2, PHP, Roundcube, OpenVPN, Jabber14, Mumble, Postfix, Dspam, Amavisd, ClamAV, Spamassassin, Dovecot, PostgreSQL, Git}
\cventry{Depuis 10/2010}
{Administrateur Syst\`eme}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Administration syst\`eme d'une plateforme associative d'h\'ebergement Web, Mail et DNS au sein d'une \'equipe d'une dizaine de personnes, et un peu plus d'un millier de comptes utilisateurs.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, AlternC, Bind, Apache2, PHP, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot, OpenVPN, Nagios, Munin}
\cventry{Depuis 03/2011}
{D\'eveloppeur C++}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Co-conception et co-d\'eveloppement d'un moteur de jeu vid\'eo en ligne en C++.\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, QtCreator, CMake, LibBoost, Git, Redmine}
{Administrateur syst\`eme}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Co-administration syst\`eme des serveurs de l'ABUL (Association Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres\newline{}
\textbf{Environnement~: }Debian GNU/Linux, Apache2, PHP, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot}
{Directeur de Th\`eme aux Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre}
{Loisirs Num\'eriques en (Mont-de-Marsan 2008) puis Culture et Art Libre (Nantes 2008)}
{\textbf{Objet~: }Coordination avec les autres directeurs du th\`eme, recherche d'intervenants, d\'efinition d'un budget pr\'evisionnel, planification des interventions sur la semaine, accueil des intervenants, gestion des interventions.}
{Dipl\^ome Universitaire Technologique (DUT) Informatique}
{Institut Universitaire de Technologie Informatique}
{Baccalaur\'eat Scientifique, sp\'ecialit\'es Technologie Industrielle et Math\'ematiques, option Informatique}
{Lyc\'ee De Borda}
{\textit{Mention Assez Bien}}
\cvline{C/C++}{STL, LibBoost, Qt, SOCI, Ogre3D, Bullet Physics Engine, CMake, GNU autotools, QtCreator, Doxygen}
\cvline{Java}{Spring, Struts, Hibernate, EJB, Apache Commons, Hazelcast, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, Swing, ServiceMix, JBoss, Eclipse, Maven, Javadoc, JUnit}
\cvline{Web}{HTML, XHTML, CSS, ExtJS}
\cvline{Outils}{Subversion (merges r\'eguliers), Git, Bugzilla, MantisBT, Dokuwiki, Redmine}
\cvline{Autres}{SQL, \LaTeX}
\subsection{Administration syst\`eme}
\cvline{Syst\`emes}{Linux (Gentoo, Debian, Arch), Windows}
\cvline{Web}{Gestion compl\`ete d'une plateforme Web avec plusieurs applications (Wiki, }
\cvline{Mail}{Gestion compl\`ete d'une plateforme de messagerie}
\cvline{Bdd}{PostgreSQL, MySQL}
\cvline{SCM}{Git, Subversion}
\cvline{IM}{Jabber14, Mumble}
\cvline{Supervision}{Nagios, Munin}
\cvline{Java}{Apache Tomcat, ServiceMix, Glassfish, JBoss, Hudson/Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonar}
\cvlanguage{Fran\c cais}{Langue maternelle}{}
\cvlanguage{Anglais}{Lu, \'ecrit, parl\'e}{}
\cvlanguage{Espagnol}{Lu, \'ecrit, parl\'e}{}
\cvline{}{Tr\`es bon relationnel, travail en \'equipe, diplomatie, pers\'ev\'erance, curiosit\'e, autonomie}
\cvline{}{Accr\'editeur CACert}
\section{Informations compl\'ementaires}
\subsection{Vie associative}
{Tr\'esorier de 2009 \`a 2010, Participation aux listes de diffusion, Conf\'erences donn\'ees dans le cadre de \`A Libre Ouvert (ligne de commande pour d\'ebutants, messagerie instantan\'ee)}
\cvline{\httplink{linuxfr.org}}{Relecteur de 2008 \`a 2010}

alahouze_sysadmin_en.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
% moderncv themes
% character encoding
% adjust the page margins
\usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=1cm]{geometry} % 1cm margin.
\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2,8cm} % date column length.
\setlength{\quotewidth}{\textwidth} % date column length.
\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths} % required when modifying lengthes
% personal data
\title{Senior Server Engineer}
\address{174, avenue du Pr\'esident\\Robert Schuman}{33110 Le Bouscat France}
\mobile{+33 6 85 81 05 71}
\extrainfo{Car driving licence, personal vehicle\\French nationality\\Married}
%\quote{\flushleft<<~J'aime apprendre, transmettre mes connaissances et relever les d\'efis techniques~>>}
% content
\cventry{Since 2004}
{M\'erignac - France}
{\textbf{System administration} (since 2007)
\item VMWare virtual platform management (3 ESX Servers, about 15 virtual machines).
\item Continuous integration platform management (Hudons/Jenkins, Sonar), and collaborative working tools for some projects (Dokuwiki, Mantis, Subversion).
\item Tape backup policy initialization and management with Bacula.
\item Xen virtual platform management for a specific project, with about 10 Debian virtual servers.
\textbf{Java conception and development}
\item Web application development with n-tiers and distributed architecture, using frameworks (Struts, Spring, Hibernate, ExtJS) for Minist\`ere de l'\'Equipement (2004-2007) then for Bison Fut\'e (since 2007).
\item SQL queries writing and optimization.
\cventry{Since 10/2010}
{Volunteer systems administrator}
{L'Autre Net}
\item DNS (Bind9), Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL), mail (Postfix, Courier IMAP, Mailman) associative platform management, powered by AlternC.
\item Managed by about 10 members, used by about 1000 members, hosting about 3000 websites.
\item Debian servers, monitored with Nagios and Munin, daily backed up with RSync.
{Volunteer systems administrator}
{Association Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres (ABUL)}
\item ABUL Debian server management, with Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL) and mail (Postfix, Dovecot, Sympa) services.
\item Monitoring with mail reporting tools (logcheck, logwatch, rkhunter).
{Libre Software Meeting (LSM)}
{Mont-de-Marsan, Nantes (France)}
\item <<~Digital Entertainment~>> (2007-2008) then <<~Free Culture and Art~>> (2008-2009) themes support.
\item Coordination with other chairmen and officials of the event.
\item Search for speakers.
\item Budget setting.
\item Conference scheduling on the week.
\item Speakers welcoming and management of their conferences.
{Dipl\^ome Universitaire Technologique (DUT) in Computer Science}
{Institut Universitaire de Technologie Informatique}
{Bayonne (France)}
{Scientific Baccalaur\'eat, majored Industrial Technology and Mathematics, option Computer Science}
{Lyc\'ee De Borda}
{Dax (France)}
\subsection{System administration}
\cvline{Systems}{Linux server administration (Debian, Gentoo, Arch).}
{Service administration:
\item Web: Apache, Nginx, PHP.
\item Mails: SMTP (Postfix), IMAP (Dovecot, Cyrus), Antispam (Spamassassin, Dspam), Antivirus (ClamAV).
\item Jabber (ejabberd, jabber14).
\item DNS (bind9).
\item Database Management System (PostgreSQL, MySQL), PostgreSQL tuning concepts.
\item Version Control System (Subversion, Git).
\item Java application servers (Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss) and Web applications (Sonar, Jenkin, Artifactory).
\item Configuration management (Puppet).
{Defining and setting up a backup policy (Bacula, BackupPC).\newline{}
Using system administration tools:
\item Monitoring and reporting (Nagios, check\_mk, Munin, Logcheck, Logwatch, smartmond, mdadm\dots).
\item Security and Intrusion Detection (Iptables, Shorewall, Snort, Rkhunter, Chkrootkit, debsums).
{Daily shellscript use.\newline{}
Perl and Python programming concepts.}
{N-Tiers application development, Javadoc, unit testing (JUnit), frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, Struts), build and development tools (Maven, Ant, IDE).\newline{}}
{Using libraries (Boost, Qt), doxygen, build and development tools (Autotools, CMake, IDE).\newline{}}
\cvline{English}{Very good technical writing knowledge.}
\cvline{Spanish}{Good writing knowledge.}
\subsection{Human skills}
\cvline{}{Very good interpersonal skills, team working, curious, autonomous, persistent, tactful.}
%\cvline{}{Accr\'editeur CACert}
\section{Miscellaneous informations}
{Treasurer (from 2008 to 2010), participating in mailing lists, speakings for << \`A Libre Ouvert >> (command line interface for beginners, instant messaging).}
\cvline{\httplink{linuxfr.org}}{Reviewer from 2008 to 2010.}
\cvline{}{Reading, movies watching, music listening, trumpet playing, traveling, hiking, bike riding\dots}

alahouze_sysadmin_fr.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
% moderncv themes
% character encoding
% adjust the page margins
\usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=1cm]{geometry} % 1cm margin.
\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2,8cm} % date column length.
\setlength{\quotewidth}{\textwidth} % date column length.
\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths} % required when modifying lengthes
% personal data
\title{Administrateur Syst\`emes}
\address{174, avenue du Pr\'esident\\Robert Schuman}{33110 Le Bouscat}
\mobile{+33 6 85 81 05 71}
\extrainfo{Permis B, v\'ehicule personnel\\Nationalit\'e fran\c caise\\Mari\'e}
%\quote{\flushleft<<~J'aime apprendre, transmettre mes connaissances et relever les d\'efis techniques~>>}
% content
\cventry{Depuis 2004}
{\textbf{Administration syst\`emes} (depuis 2007)
\item Gestion d'une plateforme virtuelle sous VMWare (3 ESX Servers, \`a peu pr\`es 15 machines virtuelles).
\item Gestion d'une plateforme d'int\'egration continue (Hudons/Jenkins, Sonar), et d'outils de travail collaboratif pour les besoins de plusieurs projets (Dokuwiki, Mantis, Subversion).
\item Mise en place et maintien d'une politique de sauvegarde sur bandes avec Bacula.
\item Gestion d'une plateforme virtuelle de tests sous Xen pour un projet sp\'ecifique, avec une dizaine de serveurs Debian virtuels.
\textbf{Conception et d\'eveloppement Java} pour le Minist\`ere de l'\'Equipement, et pour Bison Fut\'e
\item D\'eveloppement d'applications Web avec architecture n-tiers, distribu\'ee, en utilisant des frameworks (Struts, Spring, Hibernate, ExtJS).
\item \'Ecriture et optimisation de requ\^etes SQL.
\cventry{Depuis 10/2010}
{Administrateur syst\`emes b\'en\'evole}
{L'Autre Net}
\item Gestion d'une plateforme associative d'h\'ebergement DNS (Bind9), Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL), et mails (Postfix, Courier IMAP, Mailman) pilot\'ee par AlternC.
\item Plateforme g\'er\'ee par une \'equipe d'une dizaine de personnes, utilis\'ee par un peu plus de 1000 comptes utilisateurs, avec environs 3000 sites Web.
\item Serveurs sous Debian, supervis\'es \`a l'aide de Nagios et Munin, et sauvegard\'es quotidiennement avec RSync.
{Administrateur syst\`emes b\'en\'evole}
{Association Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres (ABUL)}
\item Gestion des serveurs de l'ABUL sous Debian, avec services Web (Apache2, PHP, MySQL) et mails (Postfix, Dovecot, Sympa).
\item Supervision r\'eguli\`ere \`a l'aide d'outils de reporting par mail (logcheck, logwatch, rkhunter).
{Directeur de Th\`eme}
{Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL)}
{Mont-de-Marsan, Nantes}
\item Prise en charge des th\`emes <<~Loisirs Num\'eriques~>> (2007-2008) puis <<~Culture et Art Libre~>> (2008-2009).
\item Coordination avec les autres directeurs du th\`eme et les responsables de l'\'ev\`enement.
\item Recherche d'intervenants.
\item D\'efinition d'un budget pr\'evisionnel.
\item Planification des interventions sur la semaine.
\item Accueil des intervenants et gestion des interventions.
{Dipl\^ome Universitaire Technologique (DUT) Informatique}
{Institut Universitaire de Technologie Informatique}
{Baccalaur\'eat Scientifique, sp\'ecialit\'es Technologie Industrielle et Math\'ematiques, option Informatique}
{Lyc\'ee De Borda}
\subsection{Administration syst\`emes}
\cvline{Syst\`emes}{Administration de serveurs sous Linux (Debian, Arch, Gentoo).}
{Administration de services~:\begin{itemize}
\item Web : Apache, Nginx, PHP.
\item Mails : SMTP (Postfix), IMAP (Dovecot, Cyrus), Antispam (Spamassassin, Dspam), Antivirus (ClamAV).
\item Jabber (ejabberd, jabber14).
\item DNS (bind9).
\item Gestionnaires de bases de donn\'ees (PostgreSQL, MySQL), notions de tuning PostgreSQL.
\item Contr\^ole de versions (Subversion, Git).
\item Serveurs d'applications Java (Tomcat, Glassfish, JBoss) et d'applications Web (Sonar, Jenkin, Artifactory).
\item Gestion de configuration (Puppet).
{D\'efinition, mise en place et suivi d'une politique de sauvegarde (Bacula, BackupPC).\newline{}
Utilisation d'outils d'administration~:
\item Supervision et reporting (Nagios, check\_mk, Munin, Logcheck, Logwatch, smartmond, mdadm\dots).
\item S\'ecurisation et d\'etection d'intrusion (Iptables, Shorewall, Snort, Rkhunter, Chkrootkit, debsums).
{Utilisation quotidienne du shellscript.\newline{}
Notions de programmation en Perl et en Python.}
{D\'eveloppement d'applications N-Tiers, Javadoc, Tests unitaires (JUnit), d'outils de d\'eveloppement et de build.\newline{}}
{Utilisation de diverses biblioth\`eques (Boost, Qt), de Doxygen, d'outils de d\'eveloppement et de build.\newline{}}
\cvlanguage{Fran\c cais}{Langue maternelle.}{}
\cvlanguage{Anglais}{Tr\`es bon niveau technique \`a l'\'ecrit.}{}
\cvlanguage{Espagnol}{Bon niveau \'ecrit.}{}
\subsection{Comp\'etences humaines}
\cvline{}{Tr\`es bon relationnel, aime le travail en \'equipe, curieux, autonome, pers\'ev\'erant, diplomate.}
%\cvline{}{Accr\'editeur CACert}
\section{Informations compl\'ementaires}
\subsection{Vie associative}
{Tr\'esorier de 2008 \`a 2010, Participation aux listes de diffusion, Conf\'erences donn\'ees dans le cadre de << \`A Libre Ouvert >> (ligne de commande pour d\'ebutants, messagerie instantan\'ee).}
\cvline{\httplink{linuxfr.org}}{Relecteur de 2008 \`a 2010.}
\cvline{}{Lecture, cin\'ema, musique, joueur de trompette, voyages, marche, v\'elo\dots}

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moderncv.cls Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
%% start of file `moderncv.cls'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
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% class options
% (need to be done before the external package loading, for example because
% we need \paperwidth, \paperheight and \@ptsize to be defined before loading
% geometry and fancyhdr)
% paper size option
% font size options
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% execute default options
% process given options
% required packages
% \AtEndPreamble hook (loading tetoolbox instead of defining the macro, as to avoid incompatibilities with etoolbox (and packages relying on it) defining the macro too)
% if... then... else... constructs
% latex vs pdflatex vs xelatex vs luatex compilation
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% headers and footers
% compatibility package with older versions of moderncv
% class definition
% minimal base settings
% style commands definitions
% symbols used
% colors
% fonts
% styles
% themes: casual (default), classic, ...
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% structure commands definitions
% length used by the moderncv layout
% quote length
% section lengths
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% listitem lengths
% listdoubleitem lengths
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% listitem lengths
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% listdoubleitem lengths
% fancyhdr lengths
% makes the cv title
\title{}% to avoid LaTeX complaining that \maketitle is a called without first a call to \title
% draws a colored rectangle
% usage: \colorrule[optional height]{width}
% usage: \section{<title>}
\phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
\par\nobreak\vskip 1ex\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
% starred variant, which is identical but defined to allow its use (e.g. for natbib compatibility, who uses \section*{} for the bibliography header)
% usage: \subsection{title}
\raggedleft\hintfont{} &{\subsectionstyle{#1}}%
\par\nobreak\vskip 0.5ex\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
% \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% does not work, the bookmark is placed at the same level as sections (placed themselves at part level to be visible, as hyperref does not allow sections without parents...)
% usage: \cvline{margintext}{linetext}
\raggedleft\hintfont{#2} &{\normalfont{\small#3}}%
% usage: \cvdoubleitem{subtitle}{text}{subtitle}{text}
% usage: \cvlistitem[symbol]{point1}
% usage: \cvlistdoubleitem[symbol]{point1}{point2}
% usage: \cventry{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer}{localization}{optionnal: grade/...}{optional: comment/job description}
\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{, {\slshape#3}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, #4}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
% usage (inside 'language' cvsection environment): \cvlanguage{name}{level}{comment}
\cvline{#1}{\begin{minipage}[t]{.225\maincolumnwidth}\textbf{#2}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{0.725\maincolumnwidth}\raggedleft\footnotesize\itshape #3\end{minipage}}}
% usage (inside 'computer skills' cvsection environment): \cvcomputer{category}{programs}{category}{programs}
% usage: \link[optional text]{link}
% usage: \httplink[optional text]{link}
% usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link}
% usage: \nopagenumbers{}
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% thebibliography environment, for use with BibTeX and possibly multibib
% bibliography item label
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% bibliography head (section, etc}, depending on whether multibib is used
% thebibliography environment definition
% \sfcode`\.\@m%
% \sfcode `\=1000\relax%
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% itemize labels
% enumerate labels
% description label
% hooks to adjust spacing (idea by Jakob Schiøtz; see http://dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/comp/LatexTips/tweaklist.sty)
\RequirePackage{tweaklist}% distributed with moderncv, not found on ctan and slightly modified
% classical \today definition
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
%% end of file `moderncv.cls'.

moderncvcompatibility.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
%% start of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcompatibility}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae compatibility patches]
% required packages
% package options
% old casual option (version 0.1)
% old classic option (version 0.1)
% process given options
% definitions
% compatibility with version 0.1
% compatibility with versions <= 0.2
% section, cvline, ... with width argument...
% \closesection{}%
% \@sectionopentrue%
% \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#2}
% \begin{longtable}[t]{@{}r@{\hspace{.025\textwidth}}@{}p{#1\textwidth}@{}}%
%% \colorrule{.15\textwidth}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
% {\color{sectionrectanglecolor}\rule{0.15\textwidth}{1ex}}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}%
% \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\small\sffamily#2\end{minipage}&\begin{minipage}[t]{\maincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}\\}
% \cvline[#1]{#2}{#3\vspace*{.75em}}} % the \vspace*{} inside the cvline environment is a hack... (should conceptually be outside the environment)
% compatibility with versions <= 0.5
% compatibility with versions <=0.7
%% end of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'.

moderncvthemecasual.sty Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemecasual.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
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% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% roman option
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemecasual}{Unknown option \CurrentOption}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
% styles
% maketitle
% \raggedleft{\firstnamestyle{\MakeLowercase{\@firstname}}\familynamestyle{\MakeLowercase{\@familyname}}}\\[-.35em]}%
% optional quote
\par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle
% cv footer
{ ~~\color{footersymbolcolor}\textbullet~~~}\fi}
%% end of file `moderncvthemecasual.sty'.

moderncvthemeclassic.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemeclassic.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemeclassic}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae style: classic]
% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% roman option
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemeclassic}{Unknown option \CurrentOption}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
% styles
% maketitle
% setmaketitlenamemaxwidth to the full name length, capped by \maketitlenamemaxwidth
% other lengths
% recompute theme-specific lengths, called by class to recompute all lengths
% name and title
% optional data
% optional photo
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% optional quote
%% end of file `moderncvthemeclassic.sty'.

moderncvthemecustom.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemecustom.sty'.
%% Copyright 2011 Alexis Lahouze (xals@lahouze.org).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemecustom}[2011/08/03 v0.1 custom curriculum vitae style: custom]
% required packages
% package options
% color options
% blue (default option)
% orange
% green
% red
% grey
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemecustom}{Unknown option \CurrentOption}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
% symbols used
% colors
% default blue color
% fonts
\renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{phv} % Arial
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% styles
% maketitle
% setmaketitlenamemaxwidth to the full name length, capped by \maketitlenamemaxwidth
% other lengths
% recompute theme-specific lengths, called by class to recompute all lengths
% name and title
% optional quote
% optional photo
\raggedleft{}\addressfont\color{addresscolor}% required to correctly align content
% title
%% end of file `moderncvthemecustom.sty'.

moderncvthemeempty.sty Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
%% start of file `moderncvthemeempty.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2010 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvthemeempty}[2010/08/03 v0.12 modern curriculum vitae style: empty]
% required packages
% package options
% unused options
\PackageWarning{moderncvthemeempty}{Unknown option \CurrentOption}}
% execute default options
% process given options
% style definition
%% end of file `moderncvthemeempty.sty'.

tweaklist.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
%% start of file `tweaklist.sty'.
%% Original by Jakob Schiøtz, downloaded from http://dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/comp/LatexTips/tweaklist.sty; not found on ctan.
%% Modified by Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
% The tweaklist.sty package redefines the itemize, enumerate and description packages, so that all parameters can be adjusted.
% This was done by copying the original definitions, and adding "hook commands" that are executed when entering the environment.
% The hook commands are initially empty, but can be redefined with \renewcommand.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
% hooks for the itemize environment
% hooks for the enumerate environment
% hook for the description environment
% original environment definitions, with hooks added
\ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname
\enumhook \csname enumhook\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname}%
\ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
\itemhook \csname itemhook\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth\endcsname}%
{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin